Context Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

context when he performs Las Meninas. Las Meninas, as has been said before, is an oil on large canvas (320'5x 281'5 cm) where the Infanta Margarita is represented along with their honor ladies, the rest of the palace servers, their parents and theOwn Velázquez, this with the cross of the Order of Santiago of which he became part of a year before his death in 1659 year in which the canvas would already be finished and therefore the cross would be added later. If the work is observed in detail, we realize that the infanta parents appear in a mirror, so they would be in the same position as the spectator of the work while Velázquez who is just in front of them would be painting them and the...

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context. In my opinion, it was politically and legally (and the latter is in fact the only thing that mattered) not only correct, but it would have been impossible not to reach that sentence49 ”. The political trial was carried out because it made clear the rest of the nations that, thanks to Hitler, the anti -Semitism was discredited, perhaps not forever but for the moment. He left Germany that they were guilty, as guilty as Eichmann. A collective guilt, which we have already argued that it is impossible since it is not possible to make a moral judgment on a specific individual even less over a whole nation and all its individuals. As Arendt points out: "Justice, not mercy, is the purpose...

context where we develop. As mentioned above, sustainable learning tells us about people who have different needs and abilities and that is why the teacher is the one who must guarantee and adapt their methodology so that the teaching -learning process reaches all its students is properly andthat they serve them throughout life. When talking about inclusion, it is to mention pointing to its dimensions since they provide us with a guide on how we can improve in our professional context, there are three dimensions that are: the first dimension. - Learning for all is based on equity and inclusion, that is to say that education will be based on addressing diversity and decreased inclusion. The second...

context, the product of the same interrelation, various scenarios arose in which the constant confrontation or dispute between them was appreciated and the express need of an entity that imparts a certain order arose. How is the State created? Why does society need one? How would civilizations be without the existence of this same? Would it be a peel of all against all? These are some of the questions facing one of the founders of modern philosophy in the seventeenth century: Thomas Hobbes. This iusnaturalist philosopher raises and resolves these questions in his top work entitled "Leviatán", which is considered one of the most influential works in the development and evolution of Western...

context, mental health and the person. Developing. There are situations in the student space that have a certain negative aspect in our health, such as the admission exam, the first university cycles that are usually the most tense and full of stress, since one is still going through an adaptation process,an increase in responsibilities, evaluations that are usually daily, etc. Which leads to tension responses that affect the mental health of the student, showing a negative result in the aspects of a person's life such as a social exclusion, not being relaxed, insomnia, low grades and poor quality of life. It is important to emphasize that this problem seriously affects the health of the...

context focused on perhaps, its thinking, which through this, aims to demonstrate what love means, the divine, in several people and what they can do in order to keep this in their lives. It all starts when it is explained that Eteocles and polynices are sharing the throne, as heirs they are, they decided to divide the reign by periods, the problem is that these constantly fought for the throne of Thebes, city yields from these events, until death was causedmutual. Seeing this hateful scene, Creon, the new King of Thebes, decides not to give a dignified burial to polynices, “And how not? Have you not judged Creon worthy of sepulchral honors to one of our brothers, and the other has an...

context of each one, so also explains the “performance” model that must be followed so as not to fall into these that is in the following sequence:Prefer confidence to invulnerability, prefer the conflict to harmony, prefer clarity to uncertainty, prefer accountability to popularity and prefer results to the position to the position. Self appraisal In this last part, the author prepares a series of questions for the reader so that this can recognize which temptations has fallen and gives a reasoning of how each can be presented in a way that is easier to identify them. Throughout the reading and analysis of the book I made my self-assessment so that in each comment I highlight in which...