Conflict Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

conflicts such as the War of Cuba and the Philippines (1898), in which the American yellow press tried to discredit Spain in their periodic publications and thus convince Americans that the United States intervention in Cuba was justified. Later, in the interwar period, this propaganda increased considerably due to the rise of totalitarianism, especially in the case of Italy and Germany with Mussolini and Hitler, respectively. Something similar had already occurred in the development of the Russian Revolution (1917), during which the press was at the service of authoritarian powers. In World War II (1939-1945), persuade citizens to support the effort of the conflict became an issue as important as...

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conflict. Corruption is a topic of interest for different disciplines, for a long time the phenomenon has received attention without references. Since then an extensive literature on different elements of corruption has been caused, which use different analytical tools. In this essay we will talk about the causes, consequences and possible solutions. Developing According to Vito Tanzi (1995): “Corruption is the intentional breach of the principle of impartiality with the purpose of deriving from such type of behavior a personal benefit or for related people.”There are three basic elements in this definition. The first refers to the intentional breach of the principle of impartiality, in the...

conflict we see from the poet's point of view and as he tells what he has lived and how he has interpreted...

conflict, ignoring the character of non -combatants of the civilians involved, thus violating the fundamental rights of hundreds of hundreds of hundreds ofColombians. On the other hand, the economic pillar sought to cut public spending, expand the VAT base, put tax on financial operations, generate controls to evasion, and privatize state companies, to increase their productivity and thus finance the fiscal deficit;However, all these measures do not leave great social development in Colombia, since despite the good intentions of the American government in generating social progress through the Colombia Plan, there is no doubt that in its participation and interference theGovernment of the United...

conflict that occurs when the teacher leaves. On the one hand, Martín, the child who sends to stay as a class in charge of the class, in his eagerness to comply with the norm and if not to “punish” with his corresponding sanction to those who do not comply. Follow the teacher's guidelines: point to anyone who disobeys the norm that basically is to be completely silent. However, that rule is presented with some conflicts, for example when Luis, in his eagerness for provocation he says "if you are fag, put another cross". On the other hand, Ana, who tries to intervene under her vision of the norm, (her perspective) pointing out that if she does not speak she cannot point to Luis on the...

conflicting psychological forces that operate at three different levels: the ES, the Self and the Super I (Torres, 2020). Until today, Sigmund Freud is the most influential of personality theoretical, he also opened a new direction to study human behavior, therefore various authors had different concepts about personality, such as for example, we have Gordon Allport,Who affirmed that there cannot be two personality types, and therefore to know an individual it is necessary to discover the combination of features as presented in a specific individual (Quiroga Romero & Fuentes Ortega, 1999). Both great authors explaining their idea about personality, not only they are the ones who give their...

conflict, being this process that allows the construction of personality. These entities are the ID, the ego and super ego, another personality theory is that raised by Alfred Adler who said that the personality is constituted by two factors that are They cohesive in the construction of personality and these are the traits and characteristics inherited (inheritance and genetic) and on the other hand the experience acquired through the interaction that the individual has with other people that allow him to mold his behavior based on social norms and the apprehension of behaviors of individuals that constitute the means in which the subject is develops. (Ovidio, 2013, p. 1) So for the study of...

conflicts with couples, with bosses, they change from vocation every time. Another example is the narcissistic personality disorder are people who are very rigid and who think that they are the center of the universe and that everyone has to give them pleitesia or their needs are primary before others and this generates a great conflict with their beings thatThey surround him, his loved ones or with the people around him.  Another very common disorder is obsessive compulsive personal disorder are rigid perfectionist people who are flexible and obviously this also leads to suffer a lot because that perfectionism really fits them into behaviors that have to be repeating or are doing and are usually...

conflict. As Montenegro says, affirming identity is an engine of struggle for claims, being fulcro threats to their particular forms of life generating questions about the reality that bursts and rearrange the economic, social and cultural practices of its concrete space of its concrete space. This confrontation process also implies an unequal relationship, and consequently, continuous disputes that redefine social identities and processes, in this case the main inequality lies in the distribution of power resources: the law, the use of force andThe decision spaces are clear examples in which the peasant communities have been at a disadvantage, subjecting them to a regime of historical institutional...