Comment Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

comment that in order to live together is necessary an absolute power, an authoritarian law that controls the aggressive impulse that arises from the selfish motivation of the human being and of all beings. Since they need to feel superiority to feel good, and that fills them with hate towards others because they believe that other beings are nothing and greed for always wanting more with a negative attitude and wrong behavior.  Rousseau mentions that being human is good and empathetic, because the human being if he sees another of his sees suffering, his nature says that he should help him. So what makes the human being bad? .What inclines the human being to be so bad, that he awakens his...

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Comment by User: Explain or say in another way, to make it more understandable ... Happiness depends on the exterior acts that man have daily, however, the greater the difference between man and happiness (very well), the more section it is to achieve what is sought. For example, between man and horse, there is a greater similarity as soon as his nature is, because within their life cycle, they are born and die, and they cannot both have a natural common. Comment by User: I do not know if it is ideal to give this example, because I find no relationship with the idea you were exposing previously Loving good and happiness, leads man to honor the truth, because he finds the being of the thing, in...

comment on two constitutional amendments proposed. One of the last groups to oppose the idea is the Municipal League of Mississippi, which represents the interests of the cities of the State. In fact, they have a reasonable argument to oppose the legal and regulated sale of medicinal marijuana: cities will not receive any of the sales taxes generated by the product. Developing MML is correct. The writers of the 65 initiative, as the proposal is known, made a tactical error (or a shame. The 65 initiative, if the voters approve it, gives the Mississippi Health Department the responsibility of supervising a medicinal marijuana program. He says that the department can apply an additional charge to the...

comment that many behaviors of them are out of the "normal" and they can be alert that something is not right in them, who is responsible for studying these behaviors is ethology. Ethology is a science that is defined as the scientific and biological study of behavior in its natural state whose founders were the three 1972 Nobel Prizes: Konrad Lorenz, Niko Tinbergen and Karl von Frisch (Schunemann, 2010). The behavior is something complex because in all animals a behavior cannot mean the same, and that is where the great teaching that leaves us Grandin, where it is basically "put in their shoes" enters to understand. She realized that if the cattle were in a circle they felt...

Comment on the air that is breathed in the different times of the year. The activities that neighbors usually organize and the lifestyle that occurs in the area. In this way, without ignoring the current market data and the basic strategies of all negotiation, it is possible to improve drastically in the perception of possible buyers. Changing the idea of ​​working as an agent that seeks to sell a property, for the particular sale of a home made tailored to its new inhabitants, it is possible to quickly and easily close the sale of the house, as long as a management is carried out correct of legal procedures.  Have pets? Discover how to find the ideal house. If finding the perfect home seems...