Classroom Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

classroom must be bidirectional, that is, they must always go hand in hand with both parents and teachers. References Coll, c.;Palacios, j. And Marchesi, to.  Psychological development and education. Editorial Alliance Naranjo Pereira, M.  Motivation: Theoretical perspectives and some considerations of its importance in the educational field. Education Magazine.  Navarro, r. The commitment, a value to teach children. Commit-value-educators. Rivera Mendoza, G. The student's motivation and its relationship with academic performance in the students of Technical Baccalaureate in Community Health of the Federal Republic Institute of Comayagüela, M.D.C., During the school year (Doctoral Thesis)...

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classroom have become recommended to essential, although it is usually tarnished by various limitations, such as the lack of access of technological spaces, ignorance of technological strategies or resistance of theteachers to learn how to use them. This can trigger a restricted and unsecured learning process for our students. But what are those digital skills that teachers must have? According to the educational consultant Aonia, led from Spain, they propose 5 digital skills for teachers according to the common European framework and are: Information information and literacy. Communication and collaboration Creation of digital content. Security Problem resolution.   For this reason,...

classroom. The changes suffered in the educational system, causes in the teachers an ambiguous sense about education. It is important to emphasize the need that every individual has to bring educational processes, which will allow them to obtain new knowledge, grow in values, develop cognitive and physical skills, adopt behaviors, culturally identify, among others. It can be said that the family has an important role to avoid or induce, to school dropout since parents or guardians should see how their children study and attend classes. But in most cases due to economic difficulties, not to have their own residence, or with the sufficient support of the parents, they are usually barriers so that...

classroom or visual. My recommendation is that they combine and know how to contextualize in order to understand their meaning and know why they put themselves there and with what purpose. The documents are of the utmost importance for historical reconstruction and you have to use them to verify these...

classroom, being accepted in their families, in society, but above all being happy with their decisions, feeling that freedom to express themselves without being judged or criticized. It is enough to allow teenagers who feel self-conscious in the classroom, because they feel different from their classmates and are afraid to be criticized, perhaps because a girl is named another girl or a boy with another boy, causing serious injuries in her self - esteemfor the fear of being violated and humiliated.  It is necessary that as a society we learn to be tolerant, passive and above all respect others in their decisions, it is time to stop racism that not only goes in the color of the skin, but often in...

classroom and therefore in the teaching-learning process. They found that students who have low academic performance are those who are afraid to ask the teacher and classmate, therefore, an assertive lack of assertive communication between students and the teacher is evidenced. Also, in skills improvement programs such as the Achieve project, one of its results is the increase in academic performance, since they claim that good social relationships between classmates and the teacher, encourage the student to improve their learning achievement. It should be noted that these results were reported in the United States at the national level, since this project has been implemented since 1990 in all...

classroom, and it is with these conditions that students should learn mathematics. To dimension the fact we will talk about a study that was done in Brazil Carraher, and Schliemann, (1991), the study of this problem shocked all of Latin America, in this case a sample of children from the street and another of children ofthe school. The former knew how to solve street mathematics and the latter knew how to solve school mathematics problems. The research consisted of exchanging the problems of the school to the street and the street to the vice versa school. The result was that the street child could not solve the street problems, but the school child can not solve the street problems either. The...

classroom/file/repository/2750/2771/html/42_anlisis_estratgic.HTML Entrepreneurship. (08 of 20). Entrepreneurship . Obtained from https: // www.Entrepreneurship.Co/Que-Is-A-Strategy-and-as-Slabora/ is. (08 of 20). Obtained from https: // services.ABC. (08 of 20). services.ABC. Obtained from http: //...