Chronic Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

chronic or fatal consequences in addition to reducing economic performance. Food trade globalization, world population growth, climate change and rapid development of food systems have had an impact on food security. The WHO aims to improve the prevention, detection and response worldwide and national to public health threats related to non -harmless food.  With the growth of the world population, the intensification and industrialization of agriculture and livestock to meet the growing demand for food has brought opportunities and challenges for food safety. Climate change is also expected to affect food security. conclusion The world population needs more and more safe foods. This means that...

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chronic elevation of systolic blood pressure (greater than or equal to 140), diastolic (greater than or equal to 90) or both at the same time which causes various negative effects in the body such as: “accidentscardiovascular, stroke, and kidney problems along with premature death ". (Ortega, 2010) "Gender, race, sedentary lifestyle, a tensioning lifestyle, junk food, excessive salt consumption and saturated fats make the person to develop Ha more prone" (Cabrera et.AL, 2019) Developing Risk factor's Gender: "Men have more predisposition to the women until they reach menopause where the incidence is equalized due to the decrease in estrogen" (Lillo, 2015). Obesity:...

chronic kidney disease. Acute renal failure (FR) Acute renal failure is defined as an abrupt but reversible deterioration of renal function. This loss occurs in hours or days, altering the ability of the kidney to perform functions such as: The purification of waste substances produced in our body and its elimination by urine. The maintenance of an adequate balance of the amount of water and electrolytes in our body.   That is, it consists of a decrease in glomerular filtering with the consequent elevation of blood nitrogen products. Nitrogen metabolism products impose metabolic acidosis due to hydrogen ions and other acid species. The kidney deals with regulating the balance between...

chronic diseases and the development of research on the quality of life, also, health quality is qualityof life focused from the angle of medicine. As far as today, it refers as “the patient's perception of the effects of a certain disease or the application of a certain treatment, especially the consequences on their physical, emotional and social well -being” (Robles et al., 2016, p.33). Then, it can be broken down that the quality of health is, in essence, the objective measurement of the subjective evaluation that a person performs regarding their state of health within the social and cultural margin of which it participates. Therefore, we can consider that health takes different reins...

chronic stress, specifically PPE. With the results it can be concluded that the studies were of low level of evidence for the use of this intervention in the treatment of trauma reactions. PTSD is the most serious mental pathology associated with exposure to traumatic events. Interventions have been based on reducing symptoms, avoiding dissociation, promoting adaptive coping mechanisms, increasing safety sensation;and pharmacological strategies and psychotherapeutic interventions focused on trauma such as cognitive behavioral therapy and desensitization and reprocessing by eye movements have been used. In addition, other alternative therapies such as psychodrama have been postulated, without...

chronic pain and nausea, but simulated therapy, in which needles are applied in random places or are not even drilled through the skin, it isbe equally effective. So go to these treatments are not unacceptable. When does pseudosciences become a public danger?   Well, the answer to this question is very easy. It begins to make danger when people replace medications to treat serious pathology with remedies made with ‘miraculous’ plants or for treatments that do not get worse but do nothing. While it is true that different opinions are not intrinsically dangerous, it is also a reality that is dangerous when people cannot know if something is scientific or not. So, they are not simply choosing...

chronic respiratory diseases and infectious problems. Etiology The main causal agent is Escherichia coli, but there are other bacteria such as aerobacter, proteins, pseudomonas, streptococci, staphylococci, enterococci and clostridiums (Quintero, 2012). Escherichia coli this presents in most poultry diseases, and is the promoter of overthrows in fattening chickens during the first days of hatching, and it should be emphasized that this helps to spread the mismanagement and stress in the chickens in the chickens. Incubation period This is varying I can start from a few hours until 9 days, most mortality is within these ranges, then its mortality deterioration begins, survivors are susceptible to...

Chronic poverty: This type of poverty affects a large number of Peruvians living in the periphery of urban areas and in relatively more advanced rural areas. The poor chronic have greater access than the poor endemic to basic social services, although these are of low quality and do not meet their needs properly. The poor chronic have a greater degree of organizational capacity than the poor endemic, as demonstrated.), these play an important role in helping to improve the living conditions of this type of poor. Coyuntural poverty: the poor in this category differ from the previous ones due to their greater degree of integration of formal economic structures, greater access to social services. This...

chronic diseases, malnutrition, psychiatric diseases, advanced age. Intrahospital or hospital pneumonia: The word intrahospital pneumonia applies to the pneumonia that is subsequently presented with 48 hours of hospitalization of a patient who was not in the stage of incubation of the same at the time of hospitalization. It is also the one that occurs within 7 days of hospital discharge and generates high morbidity and mortality in pediatrics. General symptoms Fast breathing or difficulty breathing, cough, fever, chills, loss of appetite, intercostal circulation, subcostal circulation, supraclavicular circulation, nasal flutter, wheezing and variable commitment of the general state, vomiting due...