Chinese Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

Chinese New Year period, to go back even more than before at the end of this, compared to that, this year has been seenA big difference, the level of pollution that was seen during the time in question was much less than last year and, unlike the previous years, the contamination index after the celebration did not increase again, but ratherkept up. If we go to Italy, where, as a name at the beginning, Venice channels are currently much cleaner because people have stopped traveling so much for these, this fact has also caused several fish to be seen swimming in them,As also several animals leaving their common habitats to reach the cities, where tranquility has been such that they have stopped...

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Chinese, being the Chinese, being the Chinese, beingLike the second and third English. And it is also the number one to be the most spoken by neighboring republics, with almost all South America and Central America with a total of 20 countries (including Spain), on the other hand, there are many countries where Spanish is not considered an official language,But they have a large number of inhabitants who speak it as a mother tongue, such as the United States, Brazil, Philippines, Italy, Canada, among others ... since we know that it is the Spanish language and a little of its history we enter full, in what in whatIt is its origin. Developing The origin of the mother of languages, the Spanish...

Chinese chefs discovered black dust.In short, it is essential for the future development of metallurgy, ceramics and glass and most chemical processes. The Greek philosopher Aristotle believed that matter is composed of four elements: earth, air, water and fire. At the same time, another parallel current is atomizes. It is believed that matter is composed of atoms. Atoms are indivisible particles and can be considered as the smallest unit of matter. In view of the importance of Aristotle's works in Europe, this theory proposed by the Greek philosopher Adela (Democritus) is not popular in Western culture. However, it has followers (including Lucrecio), and this idea has existed until the beginning of...

Chinese, Hindu and English. There are more than 50 million people who speak Spanish, both those who speak it as the first language and those who use it as a second language. The origin of Spanish is located in the Iberian Peninsula, Spain. On the eighth century a European nomadic tribe called the Celts moved to the Iberian Peninsula and mixed with the Iberians, the inhabitants of that region. These began to speak a derivative of the Celtic language. After the arrival of Roman merchants and soldiers. After the following centuries there were several events that not only affected the history of Spain but also contributed to what we know today as the Spanish. The Visigoths and some Germanic tribes...

Chinese culture Introduction The word hero refers to those who have been a positive turning point within the history of a nation. From great warriors to revolutionaries within their field, these important figures mark a before and after in the formation of this millenary culture. Here we offer you a list with the 5 most important heroes in China. Mulán: It is one of China's most international heroines due to its appearance on Disney's big screen. His real story does not have magical dragons or an epic battle, but he does talk about delivery and love towards his own family.  Developing Concerned about the health of his old father, Mulán took his place during the wars between the southern and...

Chinese, and the one that is most used worldwide, we see this reflected in all countries, which although it is not their base language, some words in English are always used. This is why in this essay we want to tell a little about the history of English, thus answering questions such as: What main languages influenced English in their development?, Why is the English language considered the most important in the world? And what was Ana and Elizabeth's role in the development and expansion of English?;To know about its evolution and how it became the most important language currently. The English language is a mixture of diverse cultures and languages, everything begins with Celtic culture who lived...

Chinese twin that were genetically modified. “He Jiankui revealed in Hong Kong that she had modified embryos within the frame his life.”It seems to be a tremendous possibility of life, but for the international scientific community, this experiment was unnecessary and risky for girls, since when they were modified when they were still a zygote it is possible that the changes that were made in their DNA are transmitted to His descendants, which makes us think that genetic edition has ethical implications. "All actions on embryonic/germ cells are illegal and ethically illegal" (García, s/f). Scientists are upset with the realization of this experiment because altering genes from an...

Chinese politician who fought against the illegal sale of drugs by Great Britain. Alarmed with the amount of drug that was marketed between China and Great Britain decided to send Queen Victoria a letter demanding that something be done. Since China provided numerous comforts to Great Britain while it provided them with poison. The English went into anger, breaking alliances with China. This would explode in 1839 the first opium war, leaving Britain Victoriosa. During the first and Second World War the drug use shot. The drugs that were most used in World War I were cocaine, morphine and opium. A lot of alcohol was also ingested, classified as a drug. This increase in the use of narcotics is due to:...