Case Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

case and forces him to pay a pension to her son. Thus, the "oracles" of our society are the judges, trained people, with studies and experience to which we give them the power to force us to give, do or not do something. This formal provision of the judge ("rite"), in no way contributes to the discovery of the truth, but is mandatory to consider legitimately to the process. In contrast to the previous models, an approach arises that does conceive of the search for truth as the end of the process, this is: the inquisitive model. conclusion This approach considers the role of the judge of utmost importance for society, since its decisions not only affect the parties within the...

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case of Italy Spain and France where people have been enclaustrada as was done in the Middle Ages. You couldn't enter a city or could not enter an entire country. So this physical confinement has been another policy strategy. In Mexico, we have had a reaction that, it seems to me personally, it adapts a lot to our needs. Which is that of confinement, but not absolute (...) there are many people who do not go out to the street do not eat. The hunger pandemia is superior to that of the Coronavirus ”. The writer and journalist also, recognized with the Herralde Award in 2004, reiterated that the best reaction within this confinement was to combine the departure of people who have the need to live day...

case of the Juan Eljuri group; They enhance society creating idealized subjects, as well as machines without speculation, which keep the consumerist regime in balance, reproduction and preservation conceiving this reduced fraction with recognition and positioning as false deities called bourgeoisie. Developing It is a recognition of its career and contribution to economic and productive development. This industrial is part of the Eljuri group. They are the first economic group of Austro and one of the main ones in Ecuador. Thanks to commercial discursive policies and practices, some named in the previous paragraph, of the dominant capitalist group to preserve its class benefits and maintain an...

case household chores, but why did Juana de Arco could enter the Navy? If she did not have a great social position, it was thanks to King Carlos V who put all the confidence in Juana's shoulder since seeing the results of the different tests they did, she was considered worthy to be in command of the French armyAnd he did not disappoint the king since as she promised it was going to give peace of mind to French society with the end of the one hundred years against the English. But after these events despite giving France the total freedom she was betrayed, led to trial and killed at the stake.  Juana de Arco's life Historians have different points of view about Juana de Arco, which makes a global...

case of the driving commission and coordinator of scientific research (Cicic) In 1942 and the National Institute of Scientific Research (INI) in 1950, the Mexican government and numerous members of the academic, business and labor sectors have worked in this area around the programs proposed through the National Council of Science andTechnology (CONACYT), created in 1970.  The work done in the last thirty years, although not always with the sufficiency of resources and with the required continuity, has enabled the establishment and expansion of the capacity for scientific and technological research in...

case to Gulliver; Experience, which also passed Lewis Carrol's alice when he "traveled" to Wonderland and omit. I wonder, as a climax, if the name of the country of the dwarves, suggested by Swift, Lilliput, will not actually be another 'track' that reaffirms us in this approach, because already at its root, it is named after that supposed Adam's first woman, Lillith, who became demonized, queen of the night and Lamia, by Antonomasia, of the 'dreamers'. Therefore, would they think of an excess of daring or a crazy proposition, suggest that Lili-Pout can be a reference, perhaps, related to the world of the unconscious and a metaphor of this and its part of nightmare, in the meaning of...

case of Locke, this postulates the state of nature as that situation, prior to the State, in which man enjoys an excessive freedom to do what he pleases andas soon as he pleases. It should not be understood, and, this is why we use the term "excessive" and not "absolute", that freedom here has no limit, because man, for example, does not have the freedom to self-destruct because he would attempt against his own nature. Based on what has already been said, it would seem that the state of nature is the ideal situation to fully live our freedom, but according to Locke, this would not really be the most convenient, because he postulates that the state of nature has a problem and...