Bullying in Schools Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

schools takes place, although before the sociology of education was not interested in this inequality, because it was not considered that this institution discriminates and it was also seen as the best way to guarantee equal opportunities, but sociological research showed that the school produced inequalities between social groups and that it also did not contribute to equal opportunities. The school is an institution which reproduces female and male stereotypes (by action or omission), these have been developing socio-culturally and have given rise to gender inequality. Although it is not the institution that contributes the most to this inequality, if it is the most who could help achieve gender...

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schools because it is a fundamental tool for the development of society, since students with innovative capacity will be trained, that is, capable of creating and producing a good in society. In addition, Niedea and Macedo (1997) point out that “the sciences are important, since it favors in their learning in children and young people where they develop observation, reasoning, communication and abstraction capabilities allowing them to develop their own knowledge autonomously” (P.4). Science has been fundamental for the advancement of technology, since it is an important factor in society because it allows us to live within the reach of devices that help us have a better quality of life and meet...

schools and universities that have taken the lead in examining the relationship between science and technology. The evaluation of this relationship has become an important research area. Public interest groups and academic organizations around the world are recognizing the importance of STS. Science and technology have greatly contributed to man's vision on himself. Science has modified the opinion about the origin of man and the place of origin also. Through the results of scientific discoveries, the perception of man about his behavior and his place of origin has been modified in a diverse way. The experiments in current science are affecting society in one way or another. Let's take, for...

schools or other media, people who correspond to different religions are indirectly discriminated against, since their freedom of religion is not defended: "Religious freedom is understood, from there, in its primary and deep sense. It refers to the option of each human being to choose freely, whether or not he believes and whether or not he participates in a certain confessional organization; Everyone must feel with full freedom and autonomy to announce, communicate, in word and in writing, his own creed to every person ”(Coy 2009: 57). It is then illogical to affirm that a person has the right of freedom of conscience and religion, when in the educational center, which is an important factor...

schools and schools you must encourage reading books, fabulas and encyclopedias whether in physical or digital, very apart from regulatory academic books. It seeks to infuse in young people to enter the wonderful world of fantasy and the magic that we find in books, expand its ability to imagine a book that makes sense and contains an interesting story. Education in Ecuador is not the most effective or best in the region, but it is about handling in the best way and improving it. Studies indicate that reading skill in Ecuadorians is very poor and key strategies are needed to motivate students and activate their interest in books- Bibliography unknown. (2020). THE READING PROCESS. Obtained from...

schools ”(G., 2018). So, these acts of racism help the student want to leave school, which will translate into low schooling indices in the society that is being discriminated against. conclusion We have seen throughout this essay that racism is present practically in all areas of life such as culture, way of dressing, ethnicity or skin color. In the education of Ecuador and Latin America, racism is something that passes every day. These educational spaces are why racial discrimination is disseminated and propagated to Ecuadorian children and young people. The testimonies, the results of the interviews radiate the prejudices and racial distinction from the ideology of the whites and mestizos...

schools, they must be remote from white people, which can create a feelinginferiority and demotivate children to continue studying.  Although laws were approved to allow the mixture of white and black people in schools, some states ignored them, continuing with segregation. In addition, when it came to accessing higher studies it was much more difficult for them to study in certain universities. This prevents a good education from being encouraged and that people with incredible abilities are demotivated. Of course, having a scientific vocation was more complicated, since they did not have enough knowledge to motivate them and, in case they had them, it would be frustrated by not being able to...

schools are usually, which permeate the inclement weather. In this way, we can not talk about equal conditions when it is a fact that for the indigenous communities that inhabit the native forests, due to the technological abuses of industrial society they require continuous change and rearrangement to survive.  The limited capacity to adapt to the demands of non-indigenous society makes changes affect them in a special way. It is increasingly difficult for the natives of the region to achieve a minimum of subsistence. “The Judges of the IDH court toured some key points of the conflict and could observe how loose cata thousand people". Indigenous communities are currently with current...