Brain Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

brain to generate changes in information making this information clearer and more efficient. Likewise, plasticity helps the brain to recover from any disorder, minor injury, but also helps reduce the different consequences that are generated by various pathological alterations, for example: A young man who studies and works for times, and is in examHe can coordinate his time well, that is, the young man will have to get used to the established schedule and that will allow him to learn to make organized. Of course at first it will be difficult but then you will get used to it and that will generate a relief.   We must know that this happens when neurons make a connection with the information,...

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brain routes.  These changes condition one of their main characteristics: they do not require a stimulus of the nociceptors so that the pain manifests, implies that there is no transduction or conversion of a nociceptive stimulus, whatever it is, in an electrical impulse. Such fact is what allows neuropathic pain to be considered a neurological disease. The nociceptive pain on the contrary is shown by physiological stimuli, such as inflammation, heat or pressure in the corresponding nociceptors, generating an response that is usually of limited duration and that is not normally associated with a nervous system injury.  It constitutes an important alarm and defense system, since it allows to...

brain in the form of impulses through nerve fibers. Stimulus receptors have the function of capturing information from the environment and transmitting it to the central nervous system. Neuron structure Well, different types of variable neurons can be presented in shapes and sizes but all consist of three essential parts: dendrites, cell body or soma and axon. Its structure was investigated by Camilo Golgi, Italian doctor and histologist who used impregnation techniques with silver salts to study the neuron, which became creditor of the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1906. To understand the structure, it is best to imagine you observe them from a microscope first observing the cell body, which emits...

brain is very complicated, although science throws more information on how the human mind works, the truth is that there are still many mysteries and perhaps we manage to respond to these events this does not It means that we can have control over them. conclusion The objective of companies when carrying out different market studies is to know more about consumers to better adapt to it, this does not ensure success, but if you are able to better convey what they are sold, if you are able to offer products that they like to the people. It is necessary then that marketing professionals have a broad vision of the human being and this is only achieved using neuromarketing techniques to the other client...

brain General objective My goal with this work is that we can know and inform ourselves more about this issue since I think it is of the utmost importance, and of course I try to do it in a brief and precise way for all to be able to understand it very easily and have mastery of this theme since it will help us to know about the human brain. Background The interest in understanding what happens within the cranial cavity of the human being dates back centuries, where certain practices were evidenced that allow us to understand a first approach in the relationship between the brain, cognition and behavior of the human being. One of the first events, were the climbing practices, which consisted of...

brain injury. Age is a factor that conditions the degree of transformation that the nervous system can experience. Children greater ease of learning, that is, absorb all the information they obtain quickly, they also have greater capacity for information recovery. Extrinsic factors: These are those factors that refer to the transformations experienced by the nervous system as a consequence of external actions. Intrinsic factors: set of modifications that the nervous system experiences when overtaking brain damage occurs. Evolutionary neuroplasticity: During pregnancy neuroplasticity is very active, this produces that the number of cells and nerve connections are intense, is carried out through...

brain the temperature is preserved for a long time, however, in the face, hands and feet it is lost quickly (cold at 24 hours after death). Next, the temperature falls into legs and arms. Then on thorax, back and finally in neck, armpits and abdomen. Changes in evolution are due to the etiology of death, individual factors and the environment. Wet air better channels the heat than dry air since ventilation improves caloric transfer by convection. According to the Bouchut rule;In case of cooling, you reach different ways in its beginning and evolution, but commonly the first 12 hours the decrease falls from 0.8-1 grade/hour, then it is 0.3-0.5 degrees/hour (at room temperature of 5-15...

brain called hypocretina (Medine.Plus, 2019). Types of narcolepsy Narcolepsia without cataplexia In this type of narcolepsy it is identified by presenting due to excessive sleepiness paralysis, hypnagogical delusions and spontaneous behaviors, which makes people not have a beneficial dream.It is known that the cause of narcolepsia without cataplexia is unknown, but it is described that it is due to a decrease in hypocretin substance. The prevalence of this condition is discussed since it could be the same or worse than narcolepsia with catapling. Narcolepsy with cataplexia Narcolepsia with cataplexia refers to the sleep disorder generating muscle tone by pleasant emotions, this is characterized...

brain cells secrete hypocretin molecules.  Evolutionary factors Narcolepsy could be an evolutionary atavism;The appearance of ancestor behavior. According to this theory, ReM dream is the evolution of the defense mechanism known as tonic immobility. Other factors seem to play important roles in the development of narcolepsia. It is known that some rare cases are due to traumatic lesions to parts of the brain involved in the REM or the growth of tumors and other disease processes in the same regions. Infections, exposure to toxins, food factors, stress, hormonal changes such as those that occur during puberty or menopause and alterations in a person's sleep scheme are just some of the many factors...