Benefits Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

benefits or competition. The Internet was seen as a common good to serve social justice. The appearance of hackers were vital to reflect, as Robert W explains. MCCHESNEY, "The commitment to free and available information, with the necessary hostility towards centralized authority and secrecy, and the pleasure of learning and knowledge". In his work, Digital Disconnection, the author remembers that almost thirty years ago the so-called World Wide Web (WWW) was created by Tim Berners-Lee, emphasizing the recognition of this in the impossibility of patenting it and payment for its use, its use,since its goal was to share for the common good. McSney makes a comparison in this work about the...

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benefits for our environment. Seen that the aforementioned communication scheme was replaced by one called "Virtual Center".  Which does not demand greater costs and promotes environmental preservation.  100% ecological technologies: the cloud and virtual switches The trend of organizations worldwide is to migrate their technological platforms towards some that are much more ecological. As well as consonants with energy savings, such is the case of the use of the cloud and a virtual switchboard. Well, when a switchboard is housed in this space called "the cloud" communications turn out to be much more efficient energetically speaking. Avoiding the harmful carbon emissions that...

benefits that maintaining this diet brings as the reduction of glycosylated hemoglobin (HBA1C) and better glycemia control in type 2 mellitus diabetics, among others. Over the years, the population with a vegan / vegetarian diet is increased because the nutritional and healthy benefits have been exposed, and it is demonstrated that these diets provide much nutrients and disease precautions. They are balanced and healthy diets. Vegetarian diets have all the necessary food groups for a child to be healthy. Scientific societies, consider that these well -planned diets are perfectly suitable for children of all ages. Legumes, nuts and seeds are the main substitutes for meat and fish and must be present...

benefits. To begin with, the legalization of homoparental adoption would help to reduce the street situation in children. Currently, there are 95 thousand boys and girls live in a street situation. Even in Mexico there are 3.6 million minors between 5 and 17 years who work. Along with this, the situation in the streets increases its vulnerability due to the risks that run (violence, addictions, crime and social marginalization). In fact, adopted children often come from unstructured households and usually bring with them a story of ill -treatment, abuse, abuse, parents with additions and other traumatic experiences. Then, when approved this law, the list of couples to adopt would be longer, which...

benefits, language and habits. Later, his traditional language was strictly banned in everything that involved public management or media, some folk activities were still tolerated but the reason why these measures were taken was the desire of the people of these regions ofFree from the operation, and the competence of the current government and this, in fact, contributed considerably to the tragic facts of 1936. The Government of the Popular Front became a farce after the withdrawal of the support of the socialists, there were more and more political disturbances and the government lost control of the country. In July 1936, a politician with the right, Calvo Sotelo, was killed and the politicians...

benefits allow to know the possibility of a large number of symptoms such as: abdominal pain, high digestive hemorrhage, polyps and/or tumors;However, in many cases the visualization is not only for the diagnostic purpose as in obtaining samples but also for a therapeutic purpose such as: placement of probes or prostheses for the treatment of a stenosis.(4) Illustration 1. Parts of the digestive tract valued with EDA.  FCS: Low digestive endoscopy, allows colon and rectum visualization through the colonoscope, which is introduced by the anal hole;However, during exploration, biopsies can be taken to complete the diagnosis and even removal of polyps, prosthetic placement, as therapeutic purpose....

benefits to mothers.   conclusion According to what has been learned, it can be mentioned that in the 80s and 90s the rural areas suffered more malnutrition problems since they are areas with low socioeconomic stratum and that worsens the quality of life of each of the members. On the other hand, with the passage of time Mexico became one of the first places in obesity in all countries. In conclusion, since we are in that degree of problem it would be a good idea , for the reason that children will be guided by fried frying, maruchan soups, junk food, etc., then one of the solutions would be to raise this solutions to the institutions, as well as away the personnel who present themselves...