Benefits of Playing Video Games Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

games, violent videos, which are often replicated in real life, among other things. Technology is an excellent means to develop society, with which you can obtain machinery, knowledge, innovation, communication, but the misuse that young people give it is what causes society to not advance. On the other hand, the increase in drugs in society has increased the psychological and emotional distortion of young people. The influence of friends and negative factors so young people pass as stress, sadness, concern, death, among others, has generated that young people take refuge in drugs, in order to forget the problems they have to travel. Generally family conflicts cause young people to choose the bad...

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games that came in this console served as inspiration for Atari, who decided to launch a domestic version of Pong and he had an overwhelming exist. In 1977 Atari decided to launch Atari 2600, this domestic console had joysticks and interchangeable cartridges, these already owned some colors. This began the second generation of consoles. During the eighties some quite famous video games such as Pacman, Donkey Kong for Nintendo emerged, the Activision company was created a game developer .. But at the beginning of the eighties the video game companies suffered a great collapse since the sector was quite saturated, this took several companies to bankruptcy. During this time Atari I think that is...

games, and even social networks, can be diagnosed as an addiction if four important factors are met: the need to use technological devices more and more;The withdrawal syndrome, which causes that when its use is prohibited, a contrary psychological reaction is produced;a loss of high control, which implies that when the time of use is tried;and the loss of interest in carrying out other leisure activities. 66.7% of adolescents between 10 and 15 years already have their own mobile phone and it is young people between 16 and 24 years old who spend the longest ‘hooked’ to the smartphone, an average of 3.4 hours a day. And WhatsApp has meant a revolution for the increase in cases of addiction and...

games and even the so -called spiritual tourism, a recorded...

games applied to health Spending long hours in any technological medium becomes an addiction and a serious problem, especially for young people and children, since today they are the ones that resort to social networks and no longer have fun with traditional games. In recent years, technology has advanced and because of that, all people have made it a daily need. What you want to achieve in this work is to be able to raise awareness among young people of the problems that generate excessive abuse of video games, causing diseases at the neuronal level. Contrary to the idea of ​​the abuse of video games throughout the world, the American Psychiatric Association (A.P.A) Recognize this addiction...

games. With the success of his adventures, Superman helped create and mold the genre of superheroes and establish his domain within American comics. Superman is the only survivor of the planet Krypton. His father, Jor-El, discovered that a nuclear reaction was being formed within Krypton that would soon destroy everyone. So, his father put his son who was about to be born in a stellar ship, and managed to direct the earth just before the planet exploded. Superman, in effect, was born on earth when the stellar ship landed there. Jonathan and Martha Kent found the boy inside the boat and took him to his farm in Smallville, Kansas. The Kent were confused about the baby's whereabouts and assumed that...

games and videos; that contributes to strengthening reading skills in students with difficulty. This research as being based mainly on observation will use a qualitative approach, which will allow the possibility of interpreting the results in an open way, then; Qualitative approaches are open, expansive, based on experience and intuition, they apply to a smaller number of cases, they are aimed at learning from experiences and views of individuals, assessing processes and generating theory based on the perceptions of the participants. To answer research questions, it is necessary to choose a context or environment where the study is carried out; Also, it is necessary to locate the approach in space...

games are not pretty or do not have many teachings, they can serve for psychomotor skills, but it is only for a precise moment, they can create psychological damage to peopleThat they play them, video games that are more downloaded or more played are violent, they are the ones that cause the most impact on people, they cause more trend worldwide. Developing. It is said that Korea is the 4.ª World power with the Internet, 85% of people have that resource and know howMore difficult, since adults already have their thoughts, attitudes, more developed, video games have their advantages and disadvantages in any case, but here they gain disadvantages, you can meet new people through them, but they can...

games. Among the problems presented by non -reading we have the lack of compression and personal criteria of a temar, another problem that will present is the lack of spelling knowledge and the poor quality of communication towards people Teachers strategically use reading as well as writing in students learning to improve the quality of this. To obtain a good reading capacity, appropriate reading standards and additional vocalization are required and thus obtain a reflection. In children it is very complicated, since they are in the learning process and if reading is not worked, you could have consequences. “For adults Reading is a task that is very simple but the reading learning process can...