Benefits of Playing Video Games Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

games such as Second Life or League of Legends group about 25 million daily, simultaneous and interactive players in a persistent digital reality, since they not only listen, not only see, they also organize, explore, discuss, live and create communities. A challenge for media studies. Part of the problems of this current of new media to define video games is found in the approaches of narration and gameplay. The video game is understood as a recreational activity of the human being in which in these approaches the positive effects on the moods of the players, their relaxing and therapeutic effects are highlighted. The video game as a field of interaction of violent behaviors, sociopathic behaviors,...

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games, become insane or corrupted. The reality is that teenagers are in a stage of life in which they become more sensitive, and the way of venting find it in an alternate world to theirs that a video game can offer it. People day by day live situations and experiences that can be good or bad, and adolescents are as sponges that absorb both negativity and positivity. By playing a video game set in shootings, it does not mean that the teenager has trends to shoot at his school tomorrow. Many families have serious or minor problems, and adolescents live these situations, taking refuge in what they have affected. It is also necessary to emphasize that bullying is a problem that many teenagers today...

games. We must also emphasize that many of our works have become more inactive over time, long days sitting on a desk in front of a computer, the way to transport ourselves from one place to another does not help us, since we have many transport facilitiesAnd a low cost, for example: buses, trolls, taxis, etc. Problems caused by sedentary lifestyle Burns less calorie Loss of muscle mass and resistance, for not using their muscles The bones weaken and lose their mineral content Your metabolism can be affected Bad circulation in the blood This disease worldwide affects postmenopausal women, constitutes a high risk of fractures and a deterioration of quality of life. Food is important since...

games, our brain may not perceive the amounts of food we eat when they are distracted, in addition, eating is a social and linking act. Malnutrition in Mexico Although in the last 20 years in Mexico a decrease in different types of child malnutrition has been observed, the prevalence of low size continues to be a serious public health problem in children under five years of age. Currently in Mexico, 1.5 million children of this age suffer from chronic malnutrition. This, evaluated by indicators as low weight for age, is located in 2.8%;that is, 280,000 children suffer from it, and evaluated by the weight indicator for size, in 1.6%, which indicates that approximately 174,000 children present...

games or talk by message even if you have it winged. What technology replaced was family communication that is now mainly that they were increasing less and less among each other, many members in various families have experienced isolation of family communication and all thanks to the progress and hitting technology....

games, literary creation, the opportunity for romantic citations, among others. It should be noted that, it does not have a physical anchor in the real world, it is a digital service or website. It has a sense of belonging in its members as strong as in traditional communities, whether or not to lend itself to physical and face -to -face exchange.   Examples of virtual communities today Next, we will list some examples of virtual communities today and are the following: Twitter: This is a social network that provides an advertisement board to be read, shared and in turn comment on news with other Internet users from anywhere in the world. Microsoft Community: It is a virtual forum that...

games, multimedia training materials, specific expert systems, etc. Homogeneization of the codes used for the registration of information through the digitalization of all types of information: textual, sound, iconic and audiovisual. You can capture any information, process it and finally convert it to any format to store or distribute it. Thus, for example, there are character recognition programs that read and make the texts, voice recognition programs that write to the dictation, scanners and digital cameras that digitize images .. What is occupational health? It is the set of activities associated with varied disciplines, whose objective is the promotion and maintenance of the highest...

games can become both an addiction and an obsession, making us waste time and not letting us concentrate on thingsthat really matter, how to do good things and help others, which are fundamental things that we must try in our lives as good Christians. Another point is the care of the mind. Sacred Scriptures point out that the mind should be taken care of by avoiding bad influences;Unfortunately many of the Nintendo contain violent issues, contrary to the biblical message (examples would be the Nintendo of Mortal Kombat, Doom, Mario, Grand Theft Auto and Pokémon) and although those who entertain themselves with these video games so full of violence and inappropriate images perhapsSay that "they...