Attachment Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

attachment between father and children to be greater when it is poor, learn to respect and meet the rules of the games and that will serve them in the performance of their life in addition to giving them empathy and making them possessand control to overcome their insecurity and vulnerability, giving them a self-control so that when they compete respect or lose each activity and their classmates. Solving problems is something that will occupy this therapy day by day will provide them together with the therapist to propose practical and stressless solutions. We will become his best friends because his trust towards us will be the best, however there is something very important that we must always keep...

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attachment to her parents, the mother suffered from eye ailments, because of this issue the patient attached very closely to her father ; We noticed that given this she began to demonstrate some rejection of her mother and the younger sisters of her, thus causing discussions between them because of their character.  After some sessions we discovered that her father became ill, presenting the pain of the legs for the first time, but only appeared once and as a slight discomfort; concluding in this way that he was not serious and giving him little importance. With the passage of time the patient tells us that both of her sisters marry, but she has a disagreement with her first sister's marriage;...

attachment to the hidregion and then frustrated...

attachment to prevent the evidence that leads to the resolution of an investigation of an investigation is lost. Applying the different branches intervening in criminalistics in all their areas, which are necessary with the legal advances and constant development of the indices and for which procedures must be adapted, in accordance with the standards established not only internationally but nationally but nationally. Likewise, the parties involved in criminal investigation merits to be sensitized and educated regarding the procedures established to maintain the chain of custody and protection of physical evidence and the failures presented in the Single Manual of Procedures in the field of chain...

attachment is not always safe and quiet, so sometimes insecurity, doubt and fear of losing when loved and with it an obsessive concern for this arises. Jealousy is an important psychological mechanism for men and women, which are activated in response to the threat of a valuable relationship. There are differences in the response of men and women in a jealous situation. In general, men feel more concerned than women for potential sexual infidelity and women feel worse than men in a hypothetical emotional infidelity. There is no dependence between sex and the type of jealousy experienced when sociocultural factors are controlled. The cultural context influences emotions, is part of them, acquiring...

attachment towards parents and people of the same age. In Positive they put studies such as Biddis and Irwin who say that “it can favor competitiveness and that they can be useful to teach good customs to children, for example, vegetable consumption." In the psychological effects, aggressive behavior is put firstly, in this consequence of the use of video games, experts still do not agree on whether or not there is a causal relationship between video games and aggressive behaviors, since in studies such as those ofFerguson;Olson;They conclude that there is no causal relationship between video games and aggressive behaviors. But if a child presents previously aggressive behaviors, the violent...