American Education System Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

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Education, 21 (1), pp. 343-365. DOI: http: // Gutiérrez, j. A. (2004). Definition of a pedagogical model for virtual education in CES. Thesis in option to the Master's degree in university direction. University of the Andes. Recovered from: https: // repository.Uniandes.Edu.CO/BITSTREAM/HANDLE/1992/10280/U250609.PDF?sequence = 1 Servín, j. (2020). Evaluation of learning in virtual environments. Second International Academic Symposium: From face -to -face to the virtual in education. YouTube, July 27, 2020. Recovered from: https: // = v2osj2tkpce & feature = youtu.Be & app = desktop Siemens, g. (2004). Connectivism: a...

systems are institutionalized and the right to education becomes a universal declaration of the rights of man of man. The National Development Plan in addition to other aspects, reviews the needs in education since the federal government promised from the beginning to improve the material conditions of schools, guaranteeing the access of all young people to education andIn this way, reverse the so -called educational reform. The SEP has the work of lifting schools and the Federal Executive, the Congress of the Union and the National Magisterium are in a process of dialogue with the purpose of building a different legal framework for teaching. Developing   The National Development Plan is...

system that integrates the different groups, and that not only are recognized or mentioned in classes such as social sciences or humanities, but rather that it is a commitment of each and every one of the actors within the education system.  But this is something that is not yet achieved, there is no true intercultural education although there are norms and laws that regulate it; It ends within class classrooms favoring and recognizing the preponderant and more common, such as classroom classrooms with indigenous population, room or Afro -descendant, but they are usually linked to the customs and traditions of the white population or mestizo, running the risk of extinction of our ethnic...

system were in mathematics. The measurement showed an average of 423 points in the subject, which according to the indicator, almost half of the students were below level 2, indicating that students do not reach the minimum skills required to completely participate in a modern society, that is, they almost completely lack capacities such as identifying and understanding the function of mathematics in the daily life or in problems that require such knowledge. Mathematics learning involves, together with reading and writing, one of the fundamental learning of basic school education, given the instrumental nature of these contents. Hence the importance of promoting and developing critical thinking in...