AesThetics Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

aesthetics in architecture In the ancient Greek, Byzantine, Egyptian, Islamic and Roman societies, mathematicians were architects and architects were mathematical, many of them participated in the construction of large stadium structures, pyramids, temples, irrigation channels and zigurats, Without mathematics at any historical era, structures would lack the architectural aesthetics or beauty depends largely on mathematics. Architects like Louis Sullivan added ornamental designs to buildings to enhance their beauty. Such designs used symmetry, geometric shapes, fractal and other tapestry patterns that derive from mathematics. Mathematics can be found in decorative elements, it is enough to place...

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Aesthetics is a philosophical discipline that study Discipline that has not always existed, before being able to categorize correctly, there has been talk of emotions, beauty and art, without the notion of aesthetics that we have today, so it can be said, that in the past, they were established slowly the precepts that would lead to aesthetics to become what we currently know. Developing The most important example is Aristotle, which in his work about poetics is concerned with reflecting on the imitation, senses, emotions and their relationship with art understood from the Greek point of view, specifically, of poetry tragic; Where you can see a clear influence of his teacher, who cares about the...

aesthetics and our appreciation for beauty are innate, related to our biology. What we consider physically beautiful, in a man or a woman, apparently is not learned, it is printed in our genes. This has an evolutionary explanation, beauty was used by our ancestors as a health and fertility reference system, the potential more beautiful partners or with better physical attributes had a greater possibility of engender healthy children. conclusion Various studies have confirmed that at a very early age we can recognize beauty. It has also been discovered that we unconsciously tend to associate beauty with the good, to more beautiful faces we attribute success, better social status and better reception...

aesthetics, knowledge and psychology have also been deepened to reach more people, especially when it comes to the development of brands to generate intense and active responses, measuring its physiological impactand psychological. More than sensations, emotions develop through designs in the appropriate tones. Bibliography Moreno, v. (S, F). Academy.Edu. Red, g. (2012). Third Millennium Network.  Swann, a. (1998)....

aesthetics, and at the same time respects nature and guarantees resources for coming generations. The design is an action that becomes a continuous cycle of operations that requires adjustments and improvements during its life time, this allows optimizing its performance and effectiveness. Within sustainable design, these characteristics are magnified since similar elements should probably be taken into consideration such as manufacturing materials and processes but with a different approach. The design will see the totality, from the life cycle, obtaining the material to its degradation. In the future where we will be more and more, the needs will be other. Lifestyles and everyday objects will have...

aesthetics, in an exercise of pure disinterested satisfaction, an attempt to mediate between knowing and desire. Taine's fundamental idea is that we can only know a work of art if they relate to all the elements that make up, their physical, artistic and cultural environment. Taine embodies the archetype of the positivist historian, who conceives the history of art as a natural history of art. The gestation of art is outside it, in external social events. Thus, areas such as geography, economics, history and religion would determine the aesthetic form. His method of analysis of the work of art is to recognize that it does not occur isolated, it is necessary to look for the totality of the one that...

aesthetics as the possibilities of being manipulated. (Angeles. M. 2006, p.) With the current media of technology, the way to create art is extremely accessible, since its elements are both virtual and digital, it does not cause material waste and is extremely useful as an artistic technique in which no resources are no multiple media that allow the creation of an artistic work. The procedure that requires a work can be very varied since there is a good amount of techniques to perform them and in recent years the most applied technique is the technology that offers multiple means for the work that requires artistic works and that These are striking and novel; Although several works have been...

aesthetics at the University of Barcelona, has pointed out that digital cinema, along with other genres characteristic of postmodernity that he groups under the name of "Digital Visual Culture", shows a tendency "to elaborate forms of productiontextual built on intensification and an increase in the combination or assembly modes of images ”. In that sense, for some time to date, indications of alterations in the film style have been detected in film production;Alterations that curiously involve the recovery of some features that characterized the cinematographic discourse in their primitive period, in a circular trajectory that would lead to contemporary cinema, inserted in...

aesthetics that is one of the most subtle branches of the philosophical because it is dedicated to exalting the beauty of nature itself the art of beautiful and the origin of beauty highlight its value . Logic is another of the doctrines that complement this great field of philosophy.  According to Irving m. Copi and Carl Cohen, in their work Introduction to logic, tells us that "logic is the study of the methods and principles that are used to distinguish the good (correct) reasoning of the bad (incorrect)" ". Logic has become the human being the ideal way to make supreme to reason and the same intelligence capacity of which man has been privileged. The central axis of logic is...