AesThetics Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

aesthetics that he considers the tragedy of Antigone as one of the most sublime works ever written, because in this the confrontation of the laws of the State is seen with the divine or the individual laws. Meanwhile to desire, the desire for death, reunion, challenge, and its relationship with beauty and enjoyAll women and men who have been antígonas. That duty is to make desire to the maximum and by making it convert it into enjoyment. The latent impulse of reunion with his brother was born in the importance of the figure of the brother, since if the parents die they can be replaced with others and the same with the children, more can be done. But a brother is unique, a bond of blood and spirit...

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aesthetics as a manifesto of that time. Without a doubt, morality is very essential too;However, the author intends to reflect a different perspective of what the time ensures shelter, demonstrating through the protagonist that banal pleasures are above Puritan values;This also demonstrates Dorian's obsession to remain young and beautiful forever, as indicated by the following appointment: “Now I know that when one loses the beauty of him loses everything. His work has taught me. Lord Henry Wotton has complete reason. Youth is the only thing that is worth. When I notice that I aged I will kill myself ”(P. 132). A whim that leads to work to a devastating outcome, a portrait of the protagonist as...

aesthetics of decentralization, etc.). The time for Jorge Luis Borges manifests itself as one of the lyrical-philosophical concerns. The problem of time is proposed as a conflicting reflection, it extends in the space between the passenger and eternity moment. It can be seen in the article "Borges and the philosophy of time" of the author Margarita Schultz, that Borges acts in this way by a vast tradition: the one that postulates models of unalterable permanence in the face of the verification of the change. But the awareness of change and finitude is a burning grill, which cannot remain as a mere idea of ​​understanding. Poetry incorporates the affective dimension that completes the...

aesthetics of pain and the fertile moment. Tenerife: Grin...

aesthetics of the time Picasso dares to do such a work modern and outgoing that positions the viewer in an awkward situation, away from what was predetermined as art at that time. However, another factor that makes it shocking is that the women represented in this work were not wealthy women, but were women rejected by society completely naked and with a penetrating look that as I mentioned before provoking in the viewer a sensation of a feeling of discomfort to see her and therefore rejection for that reason did not come to light until decades later. In conclusion, the ladies of Avignon are an absolutely revolutionary work that breaks with all the Renaissance paradigms and with the predetermined...

aesthetics and working with its plot so real and at the same time unreal, which calls reflection and memory, as the director says during an interview: "The labyrinth of the faun" is, therefore, a drama that has its roots in a context of war, with mythological and fairy tale elements inserted. Not even these creatures that I am especially fond of are the most important. Because, above all, this film is based on a deeply human and dramatic story. A story that raises universal issues that concern us all...

aesthetics and adding things that are innovative. Torreblanca states that brands resort to nostalgia to generate sensations that beat within us. Images, sounds, smells, touches, flavors this generates empathy and trust to reach more people. One of the things that reinforces this technique are traditions these also generate nostalgia for example the way in which a product is consumed or as it is achieved can become traditions. Currently, we can see in different spaces this type of marketing. As RCN is doing lately with their productions that put them again and all viewers although they have already seen them, they still generate emotions and uncertainty, so a clear example of this is going to happen...