ACT Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

act. Through communication reality is transmitted and a real aspect is developed. Here you can mention the construction of society or nation, for example;Society is a human construction;individual action and society are conditioned due to the influence of each other. Humans built society in their mind because of the need for guidance and sense of routines or links and answers to questions such as: Where are we going? Or where do we come from?, They share common images or ideals and a worldview. Part of societies are the institutions that support the imaginary of society. This is defined as a network of institutions that guides the action of its members and determines the way of thinking and...

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activity represents 10% of the national GDP, becoming one of the main economic activities, and in turn helped increase employment by 0.6% compared to 2018;However, according to the Ombudsman's Office, social conflicts over socio-environmental issues represent a 67.2% of a total of 134, having the communities dissatisfied and claiming for the breach of agreements and lack of respect for the cultural and environmental environment. Mining companies indicate that communities are being an obstacle to the development of mining activity and employment generation, while communities believe that mining companies are only generating economic development only for themselves, regardless of even environmental...

action and crisis of representative democracy are exposed. They establish a debate regarding the meaning of crisis, since it has been one of the most serious problems. They defend that a series of transformations of great importance have been forming that Western societies must face.  They advocate that we are in a rather complex social situation, which unlike previous crisis, cannot be considered temporary, but a permanent situation. The current crisis constitutes a key characteristic, in which we find an absence of economic and existential stability;In addition to finding us in a society where uncertainty and insecurity prevail, that is, in perpetual crisis. On the other hand it is seen that...

actors such as They are: Keep in mind the unforeseen consequences, make the laws that regulate each of the elements that make up marketing, verify ethical behavior and implement skills to foster social causes. Independence in marketing is based primarily on social responsibility, and it emphasizes philosophy, politics, procedure and marketing actions that are carried out daily whose objective is to improve well -being in the social environment. A notorious failure in social responsibility in a large percentage is reflected in fraud, where objects are not what they offer, rather, what they appear to offer, and it is precisely the increase in the good performance of a product that can get to affect...

action both for the things he told and also for the images of his films and for his life in itself. His admiration and addiction for him had a lot to do with everything Yrigoyen wrote, that is why I influence both him and his way of thinking as we see in the following fragment: “Pasolini understood from a young age that the only way to escapeof a totalitarian power was through emulation.’In such a way Yrigoyen felt that they had similar thoughts. On the other hand, the presence of Pier Paolo had been decisive in such difficult times as the ones he counts in the book;At first this book was born as an essay on Pasolini, certain things that had happened to him as the correspondence he had with Pier...

actile corpuscles/ meissner (fast adaptation, help us identify the surfaceof objects and are sensitive to vibration), Krauser corpuscles (cold sensitivity), Merkel records (help us identify object characteristics) and ruffini corpuscles (sensitive to touch and pressure, these are slow adaptation). Substance excretion by means of Ecro and apocrine sweat glands and sebaceous glands. He works with the hand of the immune system since if there are wounds this helps us protect ourselves and of course the absorption of vitamins, such as vitamin A which helps us treat damage by sun and cellulite. Vitamin D which reduces skin spots. Vitamin C which is an antioxidant, regenerates vitamin E and provides sun...

acture of nationalist nationalist groups. Indeed, they were primitive facts in the consolidation of Trujillo as ruler, the extermination of internal opposition, the destruction of opposition political parties and the formation of a unique fascist court party. Also the control and monopolization of the productive apparatus, the slaughter of Haitian immigrants, the democratic opening simulation in the forties and the establishment of puppet governments. Therefore, when it came to exterminate, because it was convenient to suppress everything that hindered, there was no impediment. It was only enough to publish the news of an encounter between the public force and the Haitian Merodeters. The Dominican...

action of swearing. The manifestation of the oath contains a promise, through which a series of facts are declared, whose truth or mandatory seeks to be supported through the invocation of something or someone, that the person who swears considers. The oath can also fall on the denial of a thing or on the promise of doing something. The oath has within its main characteristics: being a public act and having a solemn character. It cannot be denied that some decisive oaths for humanity may have been carried out in secret, but for the purposes of this conference we will concentrate only on the public oath. As for the tradition of going to the oath as a way of being forced to fulfill a promise or...