ACT Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

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actics The Sun Tzu War Art Book is a work that covers different military tactics, shows the process of a conflict or war from its beginning, course and end, in order to become victorious in it. This text has inspired numerous historical eminences such as Napoleon and Machiavelli. It is pointed out as a treaty that instructs the supreme strategy to apply with intelligence and wisdom the knowledge of a human nature in moments of conflict and confrontation. The objective of this great strategy compendium is to understand the origin of a conflict and help find a solution to it. Sun Tzu points out that the nucleus of his philosophy close to war is based on two deep principles: "All the art of war...

acters and his actions. For example, the hidden meaning of Pozzo and Lucky. Pozzo is demonstrated as Lucky's teacher, who depends on Pozzo. When Pozzo decides that he no longer needs Lucky and leaves him, Lucky is destroyed. This represents how humans depend on someone we consider superior, and when they leave, we no longer know what to do. When Lucky puts on the hat and says his thoughts, there Beckett is criticizing the communication problems that men have. For this, I think Pozzo ends blind and mute Lucky. It is important to know that Beckett lived both world wars, which explains his criticisms of humans. This work is clearly not easy to understand, and much attention is needed to details....

actice abortion, the doctor injected a substance and introduced very strong pills in his uterus ending the life of the young woman, since her body was not suitable for such strong medications. As well as the case of Lucía, there are many cases that need to be treated and treated for adequate orientation. Abortion is a public health problem, a surgical procedure that consists in the interruption of pregnancy, expels and murders the fetus before 5 months. It is a topic of great debates, since many ethical, social and religious factors for women or couple are at stake as well as for the being within the mother's belly. Therefore, the purpose of this writing is to prepare an inter -textual summary...

actile. The colors: They are monochromatic representations. On the other hand, we also have basic elements in the communication that would be: issuer, who is the one who sends the message, receiver, who is the one who receives the message, message, the content developed to issue, channel, the support usedTo send this message, code, it is in charge of giving guidelines to be able to send or receive the message. This is the basics that must be known to carry out a good interpretation of the message. Similarly, these are not the only elements that can be found in visual communication. The rest of the elements that influence this communicative process are the communicative field, the brand, the sign...

act of violence based on belonging to the female sex that has or may result in physical, sexual or psychological damage or suffering for women, as well asThe threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of freedom, whether they occur in public life and in private life (UN). It should also be noted that what differentiates this type of violence from other forms of aggression and coercion is that the risk or vulnerability factor is the mere fact of being ‘woman’. Gender violence has a structural background rather. Due to the foundations of social constructions, in which, the woman has always had a lower and/or submission role in the face of the male sex in which it has a leading and...

active position in favor of change, thus leaning for the benefit of the victims, since these are the most affected. Violence against women has been present over time, at present it has been given the importance it deserves and this is remarkable by appreciating the creation of various organizations, programs for help and implementation of laws that seek to prevent and eradicate thisproblem;This issue is no stranger to developed countries, since there is also. However, it has been shown that it occurs in less intensity due to various social processes together with the gender connections that produced economic development, including the increase in women's space in the labor field and a greater number...