ACT Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

acteristics in different areas. This man is interested in everything in a very superficial way. Your thinking is light, without risks and with security ahead. That is why it is a man fruit of society. This is a person without criteria, materialistic, money is the basis of their happiness because everything buys it, but in turn it is easily convinced. The light man has no values, where each action is for convenience of the moment, for their own benefit. With this essay the author Enrique Rojas wants to public. The truth of man's life “The problem with human beings is that these are always competing with others, trying to demonstrate who is the best, and they have forgotten that we are here to...

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act, not because we want our actions to produce a particular result, but because we are morally obliged to act, regardless of what we want to happen. And because Kant's ethics is based on moral duty, there are no exceptions to moral rules and we do not consider the consequences. The important thing is to know that Immanuel Kant's ethics includes a set of moral principles called categorical imperative. The categorical imperative consists of a handful of formulations. But we will only need to focus on the first formulation. The formulation of the Universal Law. The first formulation establishes: “It acts only according to that maxim for which you can, at the same time, that it becomes a universal...

acteristics and style of a leader Each leader has their own style and strategy. In addition, leadership styles and methods vary due to external influences and personal challenges. Leaders are and require in most aspects of society, from commercial activities to politics, from religion to community organizations. Substantially, defining leadership means understanding itself from an internal perspective, as well as translating their own tendencies, strengths and approaches in the way it interacts, communicates and influences others. Leadership is critical for each company, since workers need one to look, learn and prosper. Consequently in the business environment, this can mean directing...

act of conscious violence. Even after all studies and research on this subject do not give answers to the question raised by all: what is the main reason for the predominance of conscious suicide about affection (80% vs. 20%), why invariably, togetherWith an increase in the population of the planet, there is an increase in constant suicide in the most optimal and better environment in evolutionary terms? Such bias when evaluating the ‘black phenomenon’ harms the serious scientific analysis of this phenomenon of suicide. The journalists do not load with the question: why the 'prolonged suicide' (bone suicide, aggravated by the murder of family members) was not in the besieged Leningrad, when...

actice is done?;This is considering as a transition rite towards maturity through which the girl has to pass in this case. There is another event in which the idea of controlling the sexuality of women, eliminating sexual pleasure and ensuring faithfulness. Women's genital ablation is practiced in many communities due to the belief that it guarantees the marriage of girls and provides great honor to their family., Some people associate it with beliefs of religions such as the Muslim, Christian, and Egyptian. This ablation is carried out in several countries such as Nigeria, and Nueva Leona, in these countries they have been promoting campaigns against this problem to be able to eradicate it and some...

acters. From 1936 to 1939, Spain saw the most brutal civil war in its history. Often considered as a struggle between democracy and fascism, the right -wing nationalists of General Francisco Franco finally triumphed over the democratic Second Spanish Republic. During the next 36 years, Franco ruled Spain in the hope of turning the country into a totalitarian state such as Hitler's Germany or Mussolini's Italy. The film explores elements of fascism through its history and characters, but explore how all this trip, through the character of Ofelia, deepens our thoughts about its role as a woman and how its elections to which the civil war refrained from giving. Her elections and her ideas, by canceling...

act is that they are the same white men, that is, the gardeners, who decide to give them those rights. They are the ones who pity the poor blacks and in a moment of weakness they decide that they must have the same opportunities as them. According to the film, they realize how wrong they were. In the work they represent blacks as vindictive and aggressive people who, now that they have achieved powers and rights, want to snatch their houses, their lands and their women. But it is thanks to all this that the heroes that return to the black to the place that corresponds to it arise. We speak, of course, of Ku Klux Klan. And it is that Griffith shows us the creation of this paramilitary group as...

action, it is essential to remember the important functions that the kidney meets in general, its physiological mechanism and then address the diuretics mechanism. The kidney is a very important organ, since it fulfills diverse functions, one of the most important to maintain body homeostasis.  Developing Microscopically the kidney consists of more than one million nephrons (functional-structural unit), these in turn are composed of two fundamental elements: renal corpuscle and renal tubule. The renal corpuscle can be divided into: Bowman capsules (surrounds the glomerulus) and glomerulus (blood capillaries where blood filtering occurs);and the renal tubule consists of: proximal contoured tubule,...