21st century Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

21st century it was an achievement for the Puerto Rican woman, since Sila María Calderón was chosen as the first Woman of the Island. In this way, fifteen legislators, two mayors and 311 municipal legislators were elected, managing to occupy a 26.4% of Puerto Rico's political positions, unprecedented number at that time. In turn, under the government of the first governor in the history of the island, the Office of the Women's Attorney was created. The creation of this organization was one of the most value benefits for the women of Puerto Rico, since domestic violence is a problem on the island. In conclusion, the Puerto Rican woman of the 21st century is considered an empowered and free woman....

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21st century, since there have always been people who for reasons of illness or age, require the support of others to meet the basic needs of life everyday. Over the years different demographic transformations appear that society is experiencing. These transformations would be the increase in life expectancy, together with sociocultural changes. On the other hand, the alteration of the role of women that leads to increase their presence in the education system and in the labor market has originated a care crisis. The care crisis is a first -order socioeconomic problem that affects the whole population and the structure of the social organization system, by the bankruptcy of a previous model of...

21st Century University, is based on the need to change to a mostly humanistic vision.Main functions that the university teacher must perform: Diagnosis of needs in order to meet the student and establish their needs.  Prepare classes organizing situations of great didactic potential and considering the characteristics of the students.  Prepare a teaching website.  Search and prepare resources and teaching materials related to the learning unit.  Motivate the student in the development of activities.  Student -centered teaching considering diversity.  Offer tutoring and example.  Investigate in the classroom with students, continued professional development.  Management...

21st century (Internet, CD-ROM, multimedia, document edition from the home or work center, etc.). Printing today: The printing press has made all knowledge to any part and any person since, it is not only cheaper, but the printing press allows a copy of an original of today, of our past, even very old, and of anyType of subject. The printing press has also got culture to expand to any point on the planet and anyone else regardless of race, sex or their economic capacity, another thing is the political regimes that may exist in some countries. If the growth capacity of a country is measured by its culture, the printing press is the essence of it since, thanks to it, knowledge can be communicated...

21st century, globalized behaviors of different social groups appear in the world, some in urban tribes format, others with fashions or ways to show a respect in the body based on tattoos and piercings in all parts of the anatomyhuman, when not, in collective behaviors that define trends marked by new technologies and social networks. For example, the use of mobile telephony with all its computer and communication applications. The different transformations that have emerged, progressively accelerate with features of different beliefs to offer a different image of life. It is currently based mainly on economic materialism, which focuses on capitalism that is losing control and that at the same time...

21st century? I face the problem of wanting to answer these questions with certainty but the influence of technologies in my day to day generates the confusion of not knowing if the real is my true existence or my existence as an image in a virtual network formed by numbers and signselectronic. We are faced with a new world, with new rules of communication, new languages with its new signs, new sensations, ways to create relationships ... and more. The change is accelerated and absolute. During at least half of the day people, we live in the virtuality of social networks offered by the new extension of our body, the cell phone. This almost human object brought with it a revolution in the human life...

21st century school, pp. 313-342. Spain: Grao. Flores Guerrero, D. (2016). The importance and impact of reading, writing and critical thinking in higher education. Next zone of the Institute of Studies in Education University of the North, (24), 128-135. https: // doi.org/10.14482/ZP.24.8727 Hernández Monroy, R., & González Díaz, M. AND. (2009). Reading practices in the university field. Mexico: Autonomous Metropolitan University, Azcapotzalco Unit. Solé, i. (2012). Reading and learning competition. Ibero-American Education Magazine, 59, 43-61. https: //...