Aristotle And His Opinion About The Soul To Achieve Wisdom

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Aristotle and his opinion about the soul to achieve wisdom

For Aristotle, the soul is what allows usHe possesses it in power, but we have always wondered how human beings if there is actually a soul or we can see it. Formerly it was said that photography could capture the soul of a person, but with the acquired knowledge we know that it is not so and that it has a background beyond the physical. In Greece it was postulated that the soul was like a breath, breath or breath, which would be equal to breathing, for example when the human being remained breathless this died. We will analyze the soul from several points to determine what it is and combine Aristotle’s theory to reach a personal argument.

Throughout history we know that the soul was always questioned, a clear example was in the US. UU. That since 1790-2000 there was segregation to African-American culture and rights were violated because they had no soul, it also tells us that religion and spirituality stayed with the soul, while psychology, medicine and even philosophy have moved toland of the mind where they believe that ideas are the soul or perhaps a reflection of this. Neuroscience is the one that is closest to the scientific study of the soul, Christianity has the most accepted idea of soul worldwide, but it is important to remember it for all the time it has been as one of the most important ideas, the soul is theSpiritual part of the person, so much that St. Augustine, one of the most important philosophers of Christianity, rejects the idea of the soul as something material and introduces it only into the mind, since when the body dies, the soul abandons us, put onThat there is no mind in which, now Aristotle postulates that the soul is the source of life, but the body is a container and nothing else, the maximum of the philosopher is that the soul seeks to leave the body and go to the world ofthe ideas. ‘If the eye were an animal, the view would be its soul, because the view is the substance or shape of the eye’ (Aristotle, 348 to. C.) From that perspective, humans have a body and a soul that is rational unlike all organic in the world, these theories have been set aside by science, which still seeks a specific response.

The men of science have even tried to weigh on a balance, something that from other conceptions sounds absurd, in short, it is much that has been said and can be said of these points of view, because of this I allow myself to grant my angle giving toknow my expectations and my ideas before this intangible world.

We begin that the soul is in the intangible world within each person, and that is what drives us to take good actions on this earth plan, helping all people and enjoying it without harming anyone, that moment in which we lookTo a certain person in the eye and we get a talk we will have that instinct that tells us if the soul of that person is good or in itself does not contribute anything to the world and is an ignorant being.

With my knowledge I know that the soul when a person dies does not fadThis earthly plane, when we are with that soul person is the one that decides if we find sincere love or if on the contrary it is only an ephemeral passenger of destiny, the soul cannot say that it goes to a sky or a hell, sinceThese occur in our life according to the acts we do, now, our soul will not be reincarnated in any other body, but will be the same for all eternity.

The soul will not be in this plane, but another dimension passes where you can visit anywhere and stay there, such examples are like the souls that are embedded in walls of hospitals, psychiatric, churches residences or in some cases such as peoples etc. He will remain his impregnated soul and annoy the one who bothers his existence or that of his objects in his earthly life, as I have explained good souls help people in life, negative souls will only annoy the one who disturbs them, this without reachinggreater terms as physical but as something intangible  

Free Aristotle And His Opinion About The Soul To Achieve Wisdom Essay Sample

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