Artificial Intelligence As A Daily Use Tool

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Artificial intelligence as a daily use tool

Artificial intelligence, also abbreviated as AI, constitutes the field of computer science that focuses on the creation of programs and artifacts that manage to simulate behaviors that are considered intelligent. In other words, AI are the machines that come to think like human beings.

AI is a sufficiently capable system capable of analyzing large data sets, identifying patterns and trends, and later, with this information formulate predictions automatically, with great speed and precision. In our personal life, AI has become a very important tool, since this allows our daily experiences and activitiesof Siri who works as a personal assistant, since he processes our natural language and then perform the actions that we previously order him. In addition, other examples where AI is also used is in the Facebook application because it suggests the labeling and grouping of photos based on the recognition of an image;And in the Amazon application in which it offers you recommendations of products based on the items that have been purchased beforehand.

The first indications of artificial intelligence date back to 1956, being the work of the minds of scientists Allen Newell, Herbert Simon, Marvin Minsky, Arthur Samuel and John McCarthy, who had the purpose of the AI was a capable capable toolto simulate human intelligence in a very precise way. Over the years this project was showing various advances, particularly at the end of 1950 and early 1960, where the machines already had the ability to play Chinese ladies, to learn English and solve algebraic and logical problems. Then later, between the years of 1968 and 1970 the Professor of Computer Science at Stanford Terry Winograd managed to develop the SHRDLU computer program that consisted of giving orders to a robot that moved inside a block map. Now today, AI has revolutionized both in the business and social world, with the invention of robots that serve in the manufacture of products, the management of programs to manage great operations and the use of applications that helpthe detection of diseases as well as those that support the environment.

However, the AI also entails several disadvantages, such as the use of programs that serve to damage our system (malware), the manipulation of critical software (that is, that software that if a failure occurs can cause serious damage to both the material andto humans);In relation to the economy, the greatest restlessness that society usually has worried is the replacement of people several jobs in industries, causing them to remain unemployed;Taking as a reference a study published in 2015 in China, it was shown that almost 50% of today’s occupations will be left over in 2025. Although, as we already know the machines are not able to have emotions and not creativity, which makes them somewhat unusable for tasks where they must be related to other people or jobs where the imagination is required, giving us the possibility of highlighting in thesework.

As for the future of AI, some of the predictions that various authors have for this great tool, is the creation of buildings or smart houses;Because they are expected to have several functions such as voice recognition, in which the owner can open his home or control different electronic devices through voice indications;and the use of sensors in each corner of the house willing to turn on and turn off the light depending on whether we are entering or leaving a room. Obtaining an innovation that could grant us to have greater security, effectiveness and savings of electricity;In addition, good support for people who suffer from disability, since people could easily meet some of their daily needs.

In conclusion, I personally consider artificial intelligence as a great advance in technology that over time has been improving and that has been very useful both in everyday life, for the performance of tasks and the search for information;as well as processes optimization within companies. Some examples in which I can observe that we use AI in our daily lives and that they seem very useful is in some functions that contain our smartphones, such as voice attendees (Siri and Cortana) and the security method through fingerprint;While some applications such as camera portrait and content recommendations on social networks seem so primordial, but they are usually useful. With respect to companies, the arrival of industry 4.0, has caused that today different companies begin to use robots so that they carry out several tasks within the company, as is the case of the radiolygather and deliver throughout the plant the different materials that are requested by employees;In my opinion, using these machines can bring benefits for companies, but it seems little usefulwhere they are exposed to some physical risk. 

Free Artificial Intelligence As A Daily Use Tool Essay Sample

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