Emotional intelligence Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

emotional intelligence Basic concepts Intelligence Intelligence throughout history has allowed the human being to survive in various situations or factors that could have taken it to their own extension, but it was not so since unlike other mammals, the human being contains an innate intelligence that is has developed over time. According to (more, 2016) intelligence not only allows us which we can apply intelligence, but it is crucial to make known that intelligence in each individual is perceived with a different or individual feature since different people will respond to a different situation in a different way. Emotions Emotions are temporary states that come and go, they stand out for...

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emotional intelligence to abandon us and take over us the bad mood, which will eventually spread to the entire work team. Therefore, it is important to have tools to combat abatement during those moments. Take active breaks Taking active breaks for 10 minutes every 2 hours of work is the best way to combat mental exhaustion and reduce physical discomforts that translate into muscle contractures and cramps. It consists of performing some simple stretching, while deep breaths are performed. If you spend a lot of time, you must walk while doing them, on the contrary if you are standing most of the day, you must take a few minutes and sit. Close your eyes and breathe You may not have 10 minutes to...

emotional intelligence, which I acquire and I think it is an important aspect of maturity. It is because, from a personal view, a society without empathy would be extremely hectic and uncivilized. The 2016 Summer Camp was an event that contributed to immense personal transformation. Our troop was to host over 300 scouts from all over the globe. I was to coordinate with people of diverse backgrounds such as those from Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. I played an important translational role since I can speak Hindu and Arabic. Interacting with these people made me realize that in deed all people are equal regardless of their backgrounds. It was an important personal discovery, and since then, I am always...

  • Words: 550
  • Pages: 2
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