Ecological Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

ecological alterations, destruction of natural flora and fauna, air, earth and water pollution, soil instability and rock masses. To this are added the constant dangers of degradation and radiation. Small -scale gold mining in southern Ecuador is causing considerable environmental impacts, the most important related to the discharge of metals, metalloids and cyanide in adjacent rivers. In rivers, these pollutants are generally not present in water soluble forms, but are associated with suspended particles and as a sediment in the river bed. However, high levels in biota show that these pollutants are easily bioavailable. These results suggest the need to consider the suspended and sediment phases...

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ecological and clear to what we represent that it is the Amazon. This process can be carried out with scientific and technological activities, and also organizational, financial and commercial, which are able to transform the productive and commercial phases of said company, innovation is the basis of the knowledge economy and is also one of theGlobalization engines, and this teaches us that through the innovation of service products we will generate economically high income and in this way we can contribute with the development of our country. conclusion After performing this essay I can conclude by saying that innovation has to be guided by the strategies created by entrepreneurs and companies...

ecological spaces, through a transformation of recycled waste, these in order to minimize environmental impact and reduce waste production, reusing and giving added value to recycled materials. Re manufacturing It consists of an object that has already been used again is manufactured again with the purpose that the product can be recovered during procedures that allow them to be used in parts or everything, replacing some damaged pieces, providing a second life and saving costs and costs andgiving added value. conclusion Most of the companies or in our homes are able to vote materials or waste that we believe are no longer of great need, and that they will stop the dump without any classification...

ecological alternatives to produce hydrogen and eliminate the emissions of the CO2 of the process. However, different ways have been found to obtain hydrogen without producing CO2. According to researchers from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in the United States, a way to produce uncommission hydrogen is using a method called "biological decomposition of water" in which it consists of producing it from water. Certain photosynthetic microbes are used and use the energy of light to produce it from water. Although from this same laboratory another way has been found, which is the fermentation of renewable biomass materials. It consists of converting consumer waste such as plastics...

ecological tilde, especially in telecommunications. Such is the case of the implementation of a virtual switchboard to minimize the negative impact on the environment. Because this promotes the necessary maximum levels of energy efficiency. A telephone switchboard was previously made up of an appliances of physical connections that demanded energy, space, permanent food sources and a good money investment. This changed, because at present the irruption of technologies and the Internet have brought multiple benefits for our environment. Seen that the aforementioned communication scheme was replaced by one called "Virtual Center".  Which does not demand greater costs and promotes...

ecological. This feature offers many opportunities and options to work the territory. Hundreds of crops and tree species can grow in their tropical climate and be highly productive. However, the complex and diverse landscape of the island makes the planning of sustainability and productivity in work lands a challenge.  conclusion Agricultural and forestry methods and practices can be economically sustainable in temperate areas. Like regions with large soil extensions of unique property. Puerto Rico has more than a century of research in tropical agricultural and forestry practices. To make the most of the potential of their work land, managers, advisors, farmers and silvicular growers benefit from...

ecological risks demand "global...

ecological fruits that we should consume to increase the defenses of our body will be carried out.  Main organic fruits that improve the immune system. Orange: “Orange is a fruit of low caloric value, with an interesting soluble fiber contribution, whose main properties are related to the decrease in cholesterol and blood glucose 'as well as with the development of the intestinal flora, collects the foundation Spanish Nutrition. It contains a large amount of vitamin C, so it is a powerful antioxidant. So it helps to heal and strengthen the immune system of the body. Kiwi: “In addition to other nutrients required by the body, it also contains folic acid, potassium, vitamins K and C, which can...