Document Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

document also recognizes that some countries have already adopted some measures. Europe recognizes the right to digital and labor disconnection: this is what it wants to be collected by law. Europe wants your boss to stop you when you have finished your workday or be on vacation and that the idea that, for certain positions of responsibility, it is always necessary to be available. The European Parliament has approved, with 472 votes in favor, 126 against and 83 abstentions, ask the commission to propose a law that allows those who work digitally to disconnect outside their working hours. Something that would include power to turn off its electronic devices during non -work hours and vacations....

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document. In this way, the National Library provides facsimiles of its most valuable documents as a security measure, and the privilege of admiring the original document is reserved only to those who request it. Before the invention of the printing press, the facsimiles were reproduced in parchments, whose characteristics are inimitable. To conclude, the experience of visiting the National Library Museum was so interesting that there is no doubt that you should visit many more times, including the library itself, in whose stays we did not have the opportunity to...

document on small and medium enterprises in Mexico. Mexico: Ministry of Economy. Palomo González, M. A. (2005). The management processes and the problem of SMEs. Engineering, VIII (28), 25-31. Palomo González, M. A. (2006). The integration of management concepts in SMEs. Engineering, IX (32), 52-58. Zapata Guerrero, and. AND. (2004). SMEs and their business problem. Case analysis. Business Administration School (52),...

documents to Esdla de Tolkien, but this is incorrect according to its mature or ‘classic’ vision of the history of this language. Sindarin was the main language of the Eldarin in the Middle -earth, the living vernacular language of the gray or sinndar. It was the most prominent descendant of the common Telerin, which branches from the common eldarin, the Quenya, Telerin, Sindarin and Nandorin ancestor. 'The gray elphical had an origin similar to Quenya,' explains Tolkien, 'because it was the language of those Eldar that, when arriving at the banks of the Middle Earth, the sea had not passed, but had remained on the coasts of the countryof Beleriand.  There Thingol Graycloak of Doriath was his...

document the abolition of slavery where he proposes to get rid of this one which was carried out by the Spaniards and privileged people having as slaves the Africans and/or people of low social social class. Years after the death of Hidalgo, the movement was still carried out and finally Iturbide celebrated together with Juan de O'Donojú.  The Treaties of Córdoba Document that legalizes the Plan for Iguala ending the struggle for independence. We can see the great importance that both characters have, Hidalgo organized and lifted the town to make their independence movement even inviting other important characters as we saw with Iturbide who even after his death continued to fight to be the one...

document, given as indicated by the author “it is a quality criterion in the elaboration of research documents; gives theoretical evidence, which makes it possible to express the critical route followed ”(p. 129). This exercise allows the writer to express his ideas in an organized way and in turn requires an exhaustive review of literature in order to strengthen his arguments. It is worth mentioning that citing is giving recognition to those who already expressed what we want to communicate, of not doing so we can incur an error, so “the proper management of the appointment protects us from any suspicion of plagiarism and allows us to give the deserved credit to who have contributed their own...

document, emphasizing those aspects that have put the main elements generating competitive advantages, these aspects are strategic analysis, competitive strategy and marketing tools among others. Its founder Ingvar Kampral, and the basis of the concept offered by Ikea, were born in Smaland, a city of Sweden. Ikea was founded in 1943 in Sweden, and obtained a marked social positioning and in the market, as an example in a society with social vocation, which did not differentiate or discriminate against rich and poor. Its founder, has as great objective and the objective of each company is to be leaders in the market in which they are, with what they market, Ikea is a decoration company, and remains...

document details aspects, the concept and functioning of the H Casa H that was designed by the architect Felipe Assadi, in 2018, has an area of 340m², consists of a concrete structure, which is onA slope in Zapallar, Chile, in a summer area. The architect Felipe Assadi was based on the concept of living the structure. The architect focuses on the views he can achieve, and on the slope. It focuses a lot on its concept that is the structure. The basis of this project was a structural proposal and the architect focused more on the concept, than in responding to certain conditions or program with respect to this he began to focus on what he should do with the spaces, the form, such as theI was going to...

document "The Book of Informatics", stop to argue that this automatic treatment is mainly focused on the administration of methods, techniques and processes with the use of electronic devices andwhose purpose is to store, process and transmit information and data in digital format;Based on his main study on the automatic information process. The authors argue that this term arises from the contraction of words: Information - Automatic derives from the French "Informatique", popularized by engineer Philippe Dreyfus in France (1962). This happens when the second generation computers began to be used for novel...

document. Developing Graphic design theories We know many more feelings than colors. Therefore, each color can produce many different effects, often contradictory. The same color acts on each occasion differently. The same red can be erotic or brutal, inopportune or noble. Consequently, from the above we can say that the color in the design is relative, since the stimuli and sensations that are generated vary from one person to another. These differences imply various factors, which can be psychological, social or cultural.  The study of the affectation of colors on people is broad, and must be deeply investigated, if what is desired is to cause a significant and memorable impact on the design...