Discussion Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

discussion groups or focus group). And finally the documentaries that are made up of the qualitative analysis where the material is studied based on qualitative categories, analyzing, classifying and encoding the objects and text to reconstruct the meaning and theorize about it; discourse analysis where the speech is analyzed in depth....

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discussion, that is, in the need to invoke wide varieties of opinions and perspectives based on the experiences that happen outside a particular cultural and social circle. It is located in the theory of moral feelings, as a requirement to examine one's behavior "as one imagines that an impartial spectator would examine it". As an impartial spectator, Smith refers to "man inside the chest, his intellectual strategy focuses on expanding compression and developing the scope of our ethical search," that is, going beyond the reasoning that can be. In this sense, Smith admits that the opinions of other people close or far from the social circle are required to achieve the impartiality...

discussion issues presented. Although the work takes place around the issue of justice, the text covers many of Plato's primary doctrines, such as the theory of ideas or forms, the understanding of philosophy as a dialectic, the myth of cave,purpose of an ideal city or a theory of the soul other than that exposed above. Written in the form of dialogues, the Republic undertakes what is in relation to the ‘philosophy of human things’, and implies issues such as ethics, ontology, politics or gnoseology. Plato deals in the Republic the functions of the soul. The Greeks of antiquity understood the psyche or the soul as the principle of the activity of a body or the breath of life, but also as the...

discussion impossible for legalization for now.  Eventually, he thinks that marijuana will be legal for recreational use of adults in New York. The coronavirus may have slowed that effort, but it has also done it safer than ever, he said. Finally, when the storm calms down, we will have to deal with it in one way or another, said Sepúlveda. We are going to approve some type of legalization, and you know what, when you consider the incredible deficits that we will have as a result of the crown, all the sources of income will have to be considered ... including gambling, games of random online and things ofThat nature...

discussion for its usefulness, since it can be confused between the history of stories and the truth. As Piece (2009) indicates, narrative journalism is journalism because, although it uses various techniques and different resources, it does not invent anything, because it is present in it, and it is narrative because it seeks to tell stories, make them entertaining for readers andwith such a degree of depth that become a reflection of its time. The purpose is to present a complete narrative with referenced and obvious details that any novel or news history would. In conclusion, narrative journalism goes beyond presenting basic information, the writer seeks to present the story as it is but in a...

discussion between the country's writers, this was characterized by his individuality and cosmopolitan orientation and each writer instead of restricting himself by certain rulesOr canons, had a white letter to develop its own artistic expression. What we find in modernity is a movement open to all influence and inspiration, which is of course, distinguishes the work of an author to that of another. The milestones of modernity appear: dynamite, repeater gun, spike wire and machine gun. The media and artistic creation change with the introduction of photography, the phonograph, the source pen and then the pen, the typewriter, the telegraph, the phone, the radio and the film projector. The uniqueness...

discussion begin between her and her mother where her mother emphasizes that they are not only dead, but their dead (Dad Ignacio, Conchita and the twins Roberto and Juan). From the fact that the dead were encouraged the way death changed, the business not only falls on the flowers. If not also in the tlapalías where they put chains, reinforcements and hooks on offer, in the cemeteries the tombs evolved in the same way, now bars were put or some families decided to place them between acrylic walls, which I know yellowish with the sun's lightning, his mother told him that this breaks with the traditions, that the traditional were the chains and masks which were adorned with messages, handmade...

discussion she says "that was the smell of black that her clothes had", and her marriage broke. Florentino, dressing as usual, but with the difference that he was now an important character and with a lot of money, he occupied hat, since he was bald, they...