Controversial Issue Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

controversial issue that has impacted, and continues to affect many women in the world. Through the years, fortunately, most women have managed to be treated with more respect, and with the same rights that men have. Nowadays it is evident that feminism is a political movement that has advanced a lot, and that women have acquired to be seen as the valuable ones that are. Feminism has been shown through many media, stories, music, movies and books. Feminism would not be where it is today, if it were not for the courage of great women who were not afraid to raise their voice and demonstrate their ideas and knowledge to the world. Emilia Pardo Bazán is, a great Spanish writer of the seventeenth century...

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controversial issue that occupies the center of attention during large international events or competitions. However, use certain compounds to enhance sports performance are far from being a novelty, already being found in the Greece Games. Next, we will talk a little more about the legal aspects of drug use in sport. In addition to addressing the possible sanctions to athletes, we will also explain why doping combat in international sport has been reinforced. Drugs and sport: What is doping and why it fights? Originally, doping or doping is considered as the use of chemical methods prohibited in sport. Probably, the term derives from the verb ‘to dope’ in the English language, which can be...

controversial issue among the Irish, since it has a long history behind. A brief review of the background will help us understand why this border is crucial when negotiations with Brexit. In 1921 an Anglo-Irlandic treaty was signed in which it was established that Ireland of the North and Ireland of the South would be divided, the first would belong to RU, while the second would form an independent republic. During the second half of the twentieth century, Ireland was divided into two large groups faced, the unionists (Protestants), supporters of maintainIrish Republic outside Ru, which is known as the northern Ireland conflict.  The political-nationalist conflict began in 1968 when the police...

controversial issue. There are those who postulate a rapid return, however, most scientific evidence points to a progression on the return. It must be considered that a brain shock can lead to symptoms up to a month after trauma. Medications are not efficient to reduce this interval, although they can relieve symptoms such as vomiting or headache. Cognitive activity should also be reduced a bit during the four weeks of recovery. It is important that schools know this, and that the medical indication clarifies. Children should not be forced in this period to an intellectual overexertion.   Bill shock in children's sports is an injury that, relative frequently, can affect the normal development...

controversial issue is the damage caused by anxiety to university students regardless of social status regardless. It is worth mentioning that one of the causes that affects the academic field and that it comes to adopt this disorder, according to Contreras and Company, (2005), “that school failure constitutes a serious problem at a human, moral and social level, which often generates exclusionsthat will mark young people throughout their lives ”(P.187). On the other hand, his main consequence is when the individual thinks that he does not have the necessary capacities to be able to achieve his objective in the academic field and that is when anxiety consumes him. According to Pajares and Schunk,...

controversial issue, in which several ideas have been shared about whether the fetus is considered a human or if the fetus is just a group of cells with any value. Abortion is the termination of pregnancy, regardless of its cause, before the "fetus" is prepared for life abroad. In Mexico, abortion is not legal, consequently 100% of abortions are clandestine. Clandestine abortion for most is insecure, which puts the mother at risk. Compared to the past years, the abortion of women between 15 and 21 years is drastically increasing. To know the opinion of the people on this controversial issue, I surveyed different parts of the Metropolitan Area of ​​Monterrey in which I obtained...

controversial issue as it pits the nation’s environmentalists against individuals with a considerable interest in oil. On the one hand, those with oil interests support oil drilling in the US nature reserves as it can solve the country’s energy problems. On the other hand, environmentalists consider this practice an unwarranted one due to its damaging ecological effect. However, despite specific benefits of oil exploration, the United States should not allow oil drilling in its nature reserves since it has a detrimental impact on the environment, it does not guarantee a return on investment and the revenue collected from oil production may not significantly change oil prices in the country....

controversial issue when it comes to the relationship between the employer and the employee is the ownership of intellectual property rights of knowledge, designs and ideas brought or invented by the employee in the course of the employment (Warren, Justice, & Supreme, 2005). With the help of ethical theories to analyze this case scenario, this paper will focus more on what happens to the knowledge, skills and designs of the employee when his or her employment relationship comes to an end. The first question in this case scenario is whether the employee can take any part of his knowledge, design or code to another employer or start a business with the knowledge and skills. According to Sonderholm...

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controversial issue across the political, economic and health spectrums. Principal considerations entail the ethical, legal frameworks, religious and social values regarding the worth of a person’s life and human rights. ‘The American Nurses Association’ (ANA) are against the participation of nurses in the provision of assisted suicide and euthanasia. The association argues that the act signifies a violation of the ethical code of the practitioners. Besides, nurses have the responsibility of providing humane, comprehensive, and compassionate care to the patients. Such care should foster respect and observe human rights (Pappas, 2012). In this view, the involvement of clinicians in ending lives...