Contemporary Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

contemporary economic analysts that argue that mining does not generate sustainable development, based on the fact that only regions benefit and that the environmental impact it generates is very high. It should be the State, through clear laws, which sets the rules to reduce the negative effects of mining and transform this extractive activity into a productive;considering that he is the owner of the resource and that with this activity a large number of jobs, economic, industrial development, etc. In a globalized economy, mining is managed with foreign investors, which in turn seek to carry out their businesses with peripheral countries, lacking controls, with cheaper labor and thus be able to...

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contemporary, look at the ground on which he stepped on. The different knowledge seemed to want to get it out of there: poetry seemed to be a gift from the mind and not study, as if there were another place where the skills came;Mathematics, although appreciated for their precision, did not reveal their true utility;The writings of the ancient pagans, who raised the virtues, were beautiful castles, but did not announce those virtues that weakened the buildings;Theology is equally generous with ignorant and learned, and learning it is something for someone who is more than a man;The dispute about philosophy discredited that one of them was true, while the others were mere opinions. Each of these...

contemporary would have otherwise interpreted Kafka's work, as a criticism of the internal world, the feelings. Cultural identity is a factor that will always accompany when expressing an opinion, since our words start from our beliefs and these are influenced by the culture with which we educate ourselves. For example, a reader who supports naturalism, will not interpret the same way as a reader who follows symbolism, since they are two movements in opposition. Therefore, his visions will be different. Here social status is interferes, because it is a key factor that influences our perspectives. At present, social status is not as important as it was in times past. Before, depending on your social...

contemporary society when referring to people who suffer from mental illnesses or also known as stigmas, these can be defined as the possession of some characteristics that devalue the person especiallyIn the social area. For a subject with these problems, public stigmas only present another difficulty to their complex life, since they can experience delusions, hallucinations, to this the behavior of a society full of prejudices, discrimination and great ignorance due to the struggle that leads leads topatient, which is necessary to uproot. In addition, stigmas that affect these people not only have an impact on the development of the social area, that is, in the difficulty when interacting with...

contemporary media) is found in advertising. It existed from the beginning, but acquired a fundamental role since the first decades of the twentieth century. During the government of Juan Vicente Gómez, radio transmissions begin in Venezuela, adding as a means of social communication. The first broadcast was made on May 23, 1926 from Caracas and was also heard in several populations of the interior. From 1936 to around 1950 there was a rebirth of the political press, with spokesmen of movements or political parties such as the Orve newspapers, now, the country, the graphic, popular tribune (which were in certain informative cases). After the year 1958, new newspapers appeared until well into the...

contemporary, the theatrical representation is something of the most harmless.  We know that, in the author's family, theatrical performances with the elementary purpose of having fun were frequent. The ‘homemade’ theater, called for being represented in homes, was not something to censor in the Georgian era, rather, it was something common. However, in the particular context of the work, it must be understood as the interest of the author in which the fact of the theater is conflictive to allow the moral evolution that we will see later in the characters. With the arrival of the Crawford brothers to Mansfield Park, the author tries to show the reader a revolution in all the senses.  This is...

contemporary man who is between the French revolution and the present, as the result of a long process of evolution and cultures. And each man has his own conception of reality and his position in today. The contemporary man has the different characteristics: consumer: because the more he has the better. Merchant: its value depends on what you can offer. Automata: it depends on what people need or what is fashionable. Developing The contemporary man had a variety of values (they are the ideals of each person in the positive aspect, that is to say good habits. Juan Lorentzen at this time some of the values such as love or help to others have been forgotten since we live in a world full of violence,...

contemporary perspective. Postmodern horror cinema was born as a reaction to strong historical tensions of the moment. Appropriating the consequences derived from them to create new narrative models that allow us to show a criticism, to those issues and obsessions that concern American society, such as the disintegration of the family, tensions between the south and north, the murderersin series, or even, classic horror issues, now approached from a hyperrealistic approach. Although the murderer, subsequently called and considered “in series”, had a real base, cinema and other fiction sources used it as an effective and recurring monster, feeding a whole series of stereotypes about this...