Contemporary Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

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contemporary now is that it was already contemporary then, ”and I consider that the same phrase can be applied to Diego Rivera. Indeed, for causes of their ideas of social and communist detraction, portraits of their daily life and their marriage to Frida, Rivera and Kahlo are an individualistic couple. Finally, the world continues fascinated with Rivera and Kahlo for countless reasons. The evidence is simple, such as when in 2018, Rivera's painting was sold for $ 9.76 million, and the film, Frida, in 2002 that I win two...

Contemporary, and then, to digital art (...) The passage to the new virtual environments means, without a doubt, a radical transformation into the conception of museum space (Regil, 2006) The presentations of artistic works in museums are mostly very attractive to the public, since they are usually more dynamic and interactive, so it allows a very creative way to perceive art and understand it. Through technology, new ways of making art are created, as is the case of the art of new media: Media Art, Digital Art, Lighthouse, among others. According to Vargas 8 ...: To point out the concept of virtual museums, it is possible The exponential growth of the Internet, and b) the desire to conceive new...

contemporary history of Peru, highlighting especially the era of the guano. As can be seen at the blog post entitled The “Era del Guano”: Introduction by Juan Luis Orrego (2008) and the book entitled, Contemporary Peru of Gustavo Pons Muzzo (1971). The importance of both lies in the fact that the first collects important but synthesized data from the era of the guano, making references to various objective points, which makes it more relevant;The second shows the context of the beginning and end of the era of the guano and thus explains in detail how the boom and shortage of the same. Source No. 1: Contemporary Peru The first source speaks of the period in which exports from Guano to North...

Contemporary men are desperate to relate, however, the distrust of a permanent relationship prevails. For modern men, the long -term commitment of relationships is a trap, an overload that should be avoided, looking for lax and light relationships ” Tinder in my opinion, is a living example of the technological revolution and the time change that we are living. We have become digital natives and many others in digital immigrants, in hyperconnected beings immersed in technology, which often it is difficult for us to distinguish between the online world and the world offline. We have grown ... and much others have simply had to adapt to the innumerable technological advances, to the many forms of...

contemporary architecture, modern architecture has not lasted long since technology has evolved but not only that is also the appearance of new materials fromconstruction which has allowed the new architecture to be believed. Contemporary is an architecture developed from the modern we deduce this for the simple reason that the two use the glass as a source of lighting and makes the use of other materials of the same. But, although there are many factors that lead to the modern to their substitution we should not allow this since it contains a piece of history that is part of our society, either because of its geometry or for its few details we must not forget that it reveals thedreams and anguish...

Contemporary. Durkheim's positivist thinking comes from Comte, thus seeking to adopt the methods and criteria of physical sciences for the determination of those mechanically induced social laws. Within this positivist tradition, the division is classifiable by making an anti -individualistic and anti -intellectual approach. It is a rebellion against utilitarian and individualistic positivism that characterized much of English social thought. Durkheim, it seemed like a radical sociologism to maintain the autonomy of sociology as an independent discipline. The division shows an objective approach. This author maintains that the source of social life is double since we find the similarity of the...

contemporary cinema, inserted in postmodern dynamics, to link with the "attraction cinema". The photochemical film was the only format used to capture, project and store moving images for more than 100 years;Its composition is given by an emulsion that contains grains formed by silver halides crystals that chemically react to contact with light and transform into metal silver into the development. After a day of filming in classic cinema, the 35 mm movie went to the laboratory, revealed during the night, positivated and the next day was that he was finally ready for reproduction. The final result was an unknown, because during the filming process you could not know exactly how the film...

contemporary architecture According to Agrazal, he considers that: “Modern architecture differs by the simplification of forms, the absence of ornament and the renunciation of classical academic composition, which was replaced by an aesthetic with references to different trends of modern art such as cubism, expressionism, neologism, futurism and others."  Contemporary architecture represents the use of materials such as concrete, steel and glass, considered in the industrial aspect. Which is one of the main aspects to differentiate them since their materials are totally different, but except for one we are clearly talking about the use of glass this is one of the materials that allow the...

contemporary age, because the foundations of modern democracy are based. That said, we are going to focus on the causes that caused the uprising.  Developing First, we find the current of thought implanted in Europe, the Enlightenment, based on reason, equality and freedom, being key in the appearance of great intellectual figures such as Voltaire or Montesquieu. These ideas were in total contradiction with the absolute monarchy system that was established in France. Second, French society before this process was divided into estates, the clergy, the nobility and the plain people.  Both the clergy and the nobility (which were a great minority) had a series of prerogatives such as being exempt...