Classification Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

classification is extensive, it will depend on its economic performance, its creation, its size, the legal form, origin of the capital and the interaction of the members. As for its economic activity is the primary sector (agriculture), secondary sector (industry) and tertiary sector (services).Given its creation, individual companies, corporations, limited liability companies and cooperatives. According to their size, they are divided into large companies and SMEs. The legal form may exist command, cooperative, collective society, corporation and limited liability company. By the origin of capital it is divided into public, private and mixed. Finally, referring to the interaction of the member there...

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Classification of tropical flowers according to their colors Being exotic flowers, and that one of the main characteristics of these are their strange colors and their variety, there are many varieties that we can find with the rarest colors you can imagine. Next, we show you a small list of these beautiful flowers. We segment the flowers in a colored list, enjoy it. How to plant strange flowers in our house? If you are passionate about strange flowers as much as we can encourage you to cultivate some exotic flower from those that come out in this blog. Quiet, we have all kinds of flowers, for beginners and even the strangest and most complicated species of cultivating. However, if you enter the...

classification with respect to the primordial TAAC's used by auditors: techniques to evaluate application controls in operation, administration techniques, information analysis techniques, application analysis techniques, and techniques for analysis of accounting seats(Herrero, 2016). For the use of TAACS in an audit, the auditor must consider an adequate union of manual audit techniques and with the help of the computer. When examining the use of Taacs, the factors to be estimated are: the discernment, ability and experience of the audit device;the resource of Taacs and appropriate computer facilities and data;security and efficiency;and possibility. Before using Taacs the auditor estimates the...

classification consisting of four large blocks according to the influence of which they emerge, namely;The Common Law, Roman-Germanic systems, those of Asia countries and those that derive from merely religious criteria. They express Castro & Nieves who, attending to the previously enunciated classification, the countries of America have adopted their justice administration systems according to the transmission of the influences obtained from the nations by which they were colonized, which is why those whose colonization occurred byEngland adopted notable characteristics of Common Law, while those colonized by countries such as Spain and other European powers instituted legislation with...

classification and assessment of personnel performance. In addition, the accelerated rhythm of the technological changes that occurred during the war and then led to the formulation of a new area of specialization within industrial psychology: the psychology of man-machine systems (ergonomics). This area is dedicated to the design of the equipment, according to the capacities and limitations of potential human operators. Hawthorne studies aimed to determine the relationship between working conditions (such as lighting and temperature) and the efficiency of the worker manifested by the incidence of fatigue and monotony. This resulted in a new emphasis on the factor of human behavior on...

Classification and translation of vision and strategy through consensus. Communication, referred to spreading and educating; to establish objectives; link rewards with action indicators. Planning and establishment of objectives, which includes the alignment of strategic initiatives; Resource allocation, setting of goals. Strategic formation and feedback, through the articulation of the shared vision; for strategic feedback; which facilitates the training and review of the strategy.   The first three phases are necessary to put into practice the strategy, while the last one is review and food. According to Kaplan and Norton, the comprehensive command box is a vertical model of command and...

classification scheme using six different types of social media - collaboration projects (for example, Wikipedia), blogs and microblogs (for example, Twitter), content communities (for example, YouTube), sites ofSocial networks (for example, Facebook), virtual game worlds (for example, World of Warcraft) and social virtual worlds (for example, Second...