Chronic Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

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chronic and disabling mental alterations, which require medical attention for life. In general, it is characterized by cyclic and recurring changes in mood which alternate mania episodes with others of depression. This disease affects approximately 45 million people around the world, according to WHO data. However, it is one of the most frequently infradiagnosed mental pathologies by health personnel. This is because the first episode that is usually presented is depressive and can pass a long time before the disease mana is evident, so it is erroneously classified. In the beginning, melancholy and mania were considered isolated pathologies, but after many discussions the manic-depressive madness...

chronic diseases;which leads us to ask ourselves some questions. Why can meditation be considered an effective therapy for pain? In 2011, in The Journal of Neuroscience, a study was published in which the reaction that produced a painful stimulus in the cerebral cortex was observed, before and during a state of meditation. It was determined that indeed, there was a reduction in pain by an average of 40%. That same year, a meta -analysis published by the Journal of Psychology of Iztacala in which data from 33 publications were analyzed, revealed the constant practice of meditation is effective for the management of intrusive thoughts, dysfunctional emotions, stress and process...

chronic pain, nausea and vomiting for any amount of ailments. It is argued that many people suffering from terminal diseases such as multiple sclerosis, cancer and AIDS could benefit from marijuana consumption and should have the right to do so if they wish. Social implications of marijuana consumption. Some argue that Congress should change the classification of marijuana under the controlled substances law. If marijuana was no longer a drug on list 1, its medicinal benefits could be legally recognized, relieveing ​​the suffering of thousands of patients with terminal diseases. However, on the other hand, if medicinal marijuana was legalized, there could be repercussions outside the scope of...

chronic not specified pain, glaucoma, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, arthritis, HIV, cancer treatment, irritable intestine syndrome, crohn disease, and Research finds more uses every day. In addition, marijuana can do this with a fraction of the side effects of other available treatments. There is no doubt that marijuana has medical use, backed by growing research every day. Nor is it physically addictive or toxic, since excess cannabinoids is stored in fatty tissue and slowly releases over time. This makes its inclusion in the list of substances of program 1 (together with heroin and cocaine). ‘Drugs, substances or chemicals...

chronic muscle fatigue. The successful ergonomics application ensures high productivity and increases workers' satisfaction.  Professional risks by physical agents The dentist also presents optical risk in its practice, it is worth highlighting the most striking evidence obtained in the study of Lönnroth & Shahnavaz, where it is stated that only 30% of dentists use ocular protection. Another relevant result was the one discovered in the study conducted by Pereira et al.  That demonstrated a decrease in visual discrimination of color and contrast sensitivity associated with the use of mercury present in the silver amalgam, material that is currently in disuse. A regular vision review reduces...

chronic renal failure treated with dialysis, show characteristic clinical signs of chronic inflammatory processes. Keep in mind that in this syndrome the resistance to erythropoietin, promotes atherosclerotic disease, reducing quality of life and increasing hospitalization and mortality. For this reason in the following test, the knowledge of malnutrition, inflammation and atherosclerosis in patients with chronic renal failure will be deepened, as well as their classification. First, it is worth mentioning that the presence of protein caloric malnutrition is observed in 20-50% of patients with hemodialysis, related to the risk factors of cardiovascular disease and with the increase in levels of...

Chronicle of an announced death Introduction The text that we are going to comment is a fragment belonging to the chronic novel of an announced death, by the Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez (1928-2014), the highest figure of "magical realism". It belonged to the group of authors who promoted the "boom" of the Spanish -American narrative in the 60s, and is undoubtedly the best known of the new narrators. Law studies began, although without showing excessive interest. Intellectual committed to the big problems of our time, he was a novelist, essayist, storyteller and journalist, a profession he exercised in his beginnings and that, together with the cinema, was one of...

chronic pathology that is identified by the aberrant autoimmune response to autoantigens with damage to any tissue or organ, which usually affects women of reproduction age and is characterized by periods of reactivation and remission with a percentage of 7-33% similar to that of non-pregnant patients. Being a disease that affects women in a fertile state, pregnancy can be considered at high risk, since, during the state of gestation, great hormonal changes are generated and the increase in free steroid hormones even progesterone, glucocorticoids and estrogens are generated, which cause changes to immunocompetent cells, such as monocytes, T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes; As a consequence of this, the...

chronic pain tips Introduction. The pain in the lower back zone is very common. It is an area with structures that we mistreat on a day to day without knowing it, and that with a little care we can rectify. In this article we refer to chronic low back pain, to the daily nonspecific discomforts that appear and leave, or that produce a small continuous discomfort. If the pain is acute, significant or limiting, you must go to the specialist so that tests are carried out and the origin of pain is detected. Developing. Take care of the posture: the first and most essential. Today we spend large amounts of time sitting. Long hours of the day in maintained postures that, if they are not correct, tense...