Chronic Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

chronic and progressive diseases that have been influenced among young people around the world and all social classes. These conditions, which are closely linked to each other, have affected and charged the lives of thousands of young people in recent decades. This disease is a problem that has not decreased, but has been increased over the years. A proof of this is that in Mexico, the incidence of these conditions has increased 300% in the last twenty years. But what are the causes that lead to the appearance of these diseases? How the disease develops? What consequences do they have on a personal level? How to solve, treat, but above all, prevent the problem? By defining each of these conditions,...

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chronic circumstance, since the person feels a sadness that does not fade over time and is often related to a traumatic incident, however depression is presented in different ways that end up affecting personal lifeAnd many times social. A solution can be reached before this problem with antidepressants and psychotherapy depends gravity on the case. Anxiety, according to Dr. Rafaella Proaño (2019), is a primary emotion that all humans experience and is considered a normal response to a danger, so it is presented as a sense of stiffness, restlessness, and concern against aSpecific situation for a limited time. Anxiety is considered as a pathology when the stimulus exceeds the normal capacity of the...

chronic alcoholism and sexual anomalies. Finally when it was discovered that the effect was unpredictable, it was prohibited The MDMA, also known as ecstasy, was patented in 1914 in Germany as an appetite suppressor and in 1919 it was synthesized in Japan, where it was used for asthma. Due to the secondary problems caused by its consumption, its medicinal use has never spread, and was used exclusively for questioning and psychotherapy experimentation purposes. He also played an important role in the military field to improve the productivity of troops. It was used in combat aircraft during the Spanish Civil War and later World...

chronic disease which causes the person to have an addiction problem in said substance causing it to be uncontrollable and unstable to handle the urgency of consuming the substance. This disease as a consequence can be very bad, since apart from having this it can cause several conflicts in the body and in the brain some being permanent, they do not always end in a bad way it can also be rehabilitated if it is treated in time to avoid Have a relapse to drugs which is caused when you fall back into drug use or have a more worrying problem when time progresses more and strong physical changes continue to be developed. Addictions in adolescent growth and development Teenagers are the most vulnerable...

chronic degenerative and incurable disease, but favorably if there are treatments to have a better lifestyle. This DM2 is characterized by hyperglycemia due to a cellular resistance to insulin actions, combined with a poor insulin secretion by the pancreas, other factors that predispose to suffer from DM2 is Race or ethnicity, since the Spanish -American and indigenous African -American population has high diabetes index Age greater than 45 years High blood pressure (hypertension) Background of gestational diabetes in women Triglycerid levels greater than 250 mg/dl This DM2 triggers several acute complications between those: skin complications, eye complications (retinopathy), neuropathy,...

chronic disease, which occurs when blood glucose level is high;We see that in the capital there is a greater incidence of this, it could be for the lifestyle that they have been more sedentary. While it is true that glucose is a source of energy, because we must keep it at optimal levels eating healthy and thus does not affect our health;since it leads to multiple consequences, being able to cause death. "According to PAHO (Pan American Health Organization) this disease causes the death of 2950 Peruvians every year" .  The objective of this work is to help prevent and control diabetes. Next, I will detail the primary causes, consequences and how we can prevent this disease. The causes of...