Biological Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

biological formations that were created over time by nature. In order to consider an element of nature as a natural heritage, this must be a representative example of great stages of the history of the earth, including the Biodiversity Registry, to be significant in geological processes, its geological and physiographic form. They are important areas for the conservation of flora and fauna characteristic of a region and a certain climate. Cultural heritage UNESCO defines it as "a set of goods that characterize the creativity of a people and that distinguish social societies and groups from each other, giving them their sense of identity, whether inherited or recent production". Cultural...

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biological and genetic diversity, to the conservation of existing, or recent fruit species. Ethnobotanical garden: plants have a direct relationship with the existence of men and women. Ecological Garden: Study of plant species and the relationship between them and the environment in which they develop. Specific Botanical Garden - Local Flora: Study of the region's own vegetation. Carpoteca: Collection of classified fruits, it is used as a material for botanical study. Xiloteca: Collection of classified woods, used as material for the study of botany. Herbarium: Collection of dry plants, used as study material. Different activities are carried out: collection of living plants: it specializes in...

biologically or culturally, the only inconvenience according to this discourse is that being different cultures and that this is sometimes incompatible with the national culture and therefore any type of aggression or lack of Foreigners is not considered bad, all they are doing is defending their culture, so it is considered a natural defense, since they feel threatened. We talked about the fact that they did not consider the lower non-bolancos immigrants, since this form of racism was not considered as such, because it does not speak of inferiority but of differences, but it is equally negative. When the French revolution declared that freedom and equality are human rights, a deficit was evidence....

biological agent, in places, forms and concentrations such that are harmful to the health, security or well -being of the population by which prevents the use or enjoyment of the recreation places. In order to mitClimate, also laws have been created to protect ecological balance and the environment, they are intended to promote sustainable development and establish the bases for: Awareness of other people from one of their rights is living in a healthy environment The duration and improvement of the environment little by little Prevent greater contamination If the planet really is intended to save, it is time to take action to the matter, it is not only about creating laws, but it is...

biological consumer goods, so that they can return to nature without causing environmental damage when exhausted its useful life. What would make an innovative and helpful model to our planet Earth. The time has come to reflect that the world needs a transformation, and that transformation begins with you. REFERENCE Almagro, b. (24 of 7 of 2019). Ecuadorian Normalization Service INEN. Obtained from https: // www.standardization.Gob.EC/Ecuador-Project-A-Production-Sentenable-A-Traves-of-A-Norma-Tecnica-Basada-En-Economia-Circular/Circular Armijos. (29 of 6 of 2019). RAEE. Obtained from https: // Bourguignon. (20 of...

BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES FACULTY . Obtained from https: file: /// d:/users/user/downloads/thesis%20lidia%20ara%c3%low%20baz%c3%a1n2008.PDF Chaco, s. P. (7 Wednesday of May 2007). Obtained from http: // www.biology.Edu.AR/CEL_EUCA/FILESPDF/CELLA2.PDF Contreras, r. (11 of 04 of 2013). Biology. Obtained from nuclear pore: https: // Gallegos, g. (16 of 05 of 2014). biology department. Obtained from cell nucleus: https: // institutonational.CL/WP-CONTENT/UPLOADS/2016/06/2-BIOLOGY%C3%ADA-GU%C3%ADA-DE-EL-N%C3%Bacleulular-Cailular.PDF Gonzalez, J. R. (11 of 08 of 2014). Biology Area Hypertexts. Obtained from cell nucleus: http: //...

Biological Perspective the article "Mechanism of preparation of fatty flavor: association of diet and obesity" He articles show us how cell receptors play a large part in the chemical recognition of fatty acids since, as the receptors are activated, fatty acids are not identified, which are not in their free form but as triglycerides causingProteins do not break their bonds with glycerol which will give only in their form of triglycerides forming fatty hydrophobic structures in the muscles, it is important to mention that we actually need to consume of them since the deficit of these substances can cause diseases, thisIt also occurs when there is excessive fat intake. Nutrients or fats in...