Benefits Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

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benefits and challenges that are expected with the changes of national business strategies and political strategies.  Over the years, the economy has taught us that the opening of new markets promotes the development of a country, amplifies the knowledge of other cultures and makes new important contacts in the field of business. Likewise, macroeconomic stability, generates confidence and adequate climate for investments and correct decision making. This gives great surplus value to countries, since they can take advantage of their own resources and exchange those who need. Because no nation can be 100% self-sufficient. We know that international trade has evolved over time and is constantly...

benefits. When the company has a very centralized activity, the same present can work for all customers. However, when talking about multiproduct, the clientele will be very different, hence a personalized company gift transmits the idea of a certain deference.  The receiver will be sent especially and, therefore, its company's appreciation will be more favorable. But not only have to look at customers. A personalized company gift is also a detail that suppliers and even other companies with which commercial relations appreciated in their fair measure can be established. In this sense, any recognition sample will help strengthen and face those ties.  In short, a personalized company gift shows...

benefits such as the improvement of diseases, greater production and nutrients in food, among others. You can do great things with genetic manipulation, the important thing is to know their risks, think ethically and use it moderately. References Gafo Fernández, Javier (1992): Ethical problems of genetic manipulation. Madrid: San Pablo. Palomeque Messía, Teresa;Martínez Martínez, Manuel;Lorite, Pedro (2001): Genetic manipulation: Methodology, Applications and Bioethics. Spain: UNED;Associate Center of the Province of Jaén. Hernández Velasco, Irene (2003): “James Watson:‘ I am in favor of genetic manipulation to improve human life ’. In the world University, April 25, 2003. Accessed...

benefits are carried out. C2C or Costumer To Costumer, is the transaction in which the customer acquires a product or service and performs the resale action. G2C or Government to Customer, where the transaction is carried out by the Government with the consumer for example tax payments or vehicular fines. G2B or Government to Business, which corresponds to the business between the government and companies such as purchasing and tenders . Conclusions Electronic commerce is a tool that has allowed crossing borders and making transactions for the purchase and sale of services and products quickly and effectively. Electronic commerce is the use of computer science and telecommunications to...

benefits". As stated earlier, political corruption not only manifests itself in an economic benefit, but can also be constituted by practices such as: influence peddling, friend and favoritism, bribes, extortion. It may also be called prevarication that consists in the dictation of a resolution by an authority, judge or other public official, of an arbitrary nature in a judicial issue, of government or administration still aware that said resolution is arbitrary and unfairand that can harm a person or a set of them. A common form of corruption of seeing in the political sphere is nepotism, that is, the preference for family members to designate them in some state position. Political corruption...

benefits throughout the planet. That is why the issue becomes critical and cannot continue to...