Benefits Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

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benefits that come from socialization in online video games, intercultural exchange can be highlighted, since people from all over the world participate in video games. The young people who participate have the possibility of interacting with people from diverse cultures and habits, and this may be positive. In addition, in these virtual communities young people will indirectly learn other skills, such as the ability to control their emotions or behaviors. For example, the way of collaborating between the players will lead them to create a form of reciprocal altruism, since everyone will be working with the same purpose. In this regard, Martínez (2018) points out that: Online video games require a...

benefits that this activity provides, in some cases excessive use gives way to abuse and in others it causes serious personal, social and family problems. On the other hand, intelligence does not seem to suffer any deterioration due to the use of video games. On the contrary, it favors the development of aspects of intelligence, especially spatial character. At the brain level it has been established that video games help a better reasoning capacity against everyday problems. It is more resolutive and ideas are sought differently than other people do. It improves in attention and concentration, showing a unique interest and a special capacity to look at the details. The reaction levels are also...

benefits of playing video games are to be considered, it must be clarified that not only of a single type, the Moba (multiplayer online battle sand) are considered the most popular for competitions, but there are other games thatThey were specifically designed to improve, and not only in the world of competencies. “Many of the cognitive skills and abilities are generated thanks to a direct relationship with the network, or more specifically with the videos games. Certain studies have shown that several students have improved their academic results thanks to a game called Dimensionm, among others, allowing an advance of knowledge and ingenuity ”(Cubillos, 2011), continuing with the appointment,...