Becoming a Doctor Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

doctor and loves adventure. The three of us have been to camping, hiking and mountain climbing together and proved able to cope with living in harsh environments and weather conditions. Tony will try anything and share the experience, he’s also sympathetic enough not to blame when mistakes occur. He would accompany me so if we don’t come back we would live there and start a family. Cindy on the other hand always comes up with solutions to problems just in time. Besides, she’s a doctor and would attend to emergencies. What more would one possibly ask for other than exploring a new planet with two friends who know how to revive the mood when things go south. I would also invite an engineer who...

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doctor, nutritionist, a nurse and family members. The crisis in hypertension has resulted due to neglect in care and treatment. While one of the recommendations for the management of hypertension is to stop smoking, C.J continues to smoke heavily. In addition to this, he skips the lisinopril prescriptions because he cannot afford the daily dose indicated. Also, he ignores the insulin therapy altogether just because he does not want to prick his body. (Fiona White, 2016) It seems that C.J has very little will to achieve a better health status. The initial role of the nurse is to form a relationship with the family. The genesis of a productive relationship is to establish a mutual friendship. The nurse...

doctor specialized in administering drugs and other agents that relieve an individual from pain, often used during surgery; case manager who is a professional mandated in the cancer care team to coordinate the patient’s care during diagnosis, treatment, and recovery; chaplain who is a clergy member who is required to attend to spiritual needs of both the family and the patient; dietitian whose area of expertise is nutrition, food and diet (Luckett et al., 2013). Resources available to aid the caregiver Financial stability of the family is the immediate resource that is available to help the caregiver manage other arising stressors and challenges. Transportation means are available in the family...

doctor so that I would relieve patients like my grandfather of their pain and help take some burden off their families’ shoulders. The annual University Entrance Examination is of utmost importance to every Chinese student. However, I got a fair score and got admission into a common university. The major that I was offered admission to was also not the one I had aspired for. I, therefore, became an undergraduate student of health administration. This course was meant to furnish students with skills to comprehend the present theory surrounding healthcare organizations and apply it in solving modern healthcare issues. It was also meant to help those taking it to pinpoint leadership traits unique to...

chapter 6


Doctors are expected to adequately help patients comprehend their situation. Patients, therefore, should have enough information before they make a decision. Physicians are mandated to give all essential situations for autonomous choice in others. Autonomy is an ethical principle that doctors must apply as they perform their duties. Patients visit doctors to gather information that helps them in making an informed decision. Maintaining privacy and confidentiality is respect to autonomy and hence medical ethics. An example of how doctors can promote autonomous behavior; before taking a patient into surgery, the doctor must first give an explanation to the patient concerning the treatment options,...

doctor holding an injection syringe. Among adults loss of security because the person is not employed, retired, the death of a loved one, old age, natural calamities can cause the individual to fear (Schmidt and Schulkin 70). Adults also fear because of a childhood experience they encountered. For example, the person might have fallen in a well hence the individual may end up developing a fear of swimming, heights or even planes. Mistrust among people they love, work or live with can cause a person to be afraid. A person’s personality can cause them to fear. Other causes of fears are because of a stressful experience or situation in their adult life. Some of the physical effects of fear are that...

  • Words: 825
  • Pages: 3
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Doctors may advise relatives of a patient to authorize the doctors to undertake active euthanasia for a patient that has been in a coma for a longer period, while the doctors foresee no changes in the situation. The doctor’s advice are supreme and defy intuition since even after observation if the circumstances fail to change, the results indicate that the physician acted in knowledge. Furthermore, it is hard to verbalize intuitions, making it more difficult to convince individuals of different intuitions in the society. Intuitions are innate perspectives exhibited by different individuals but difficult to explain to other people. Consequently, the mysteriousness of intuitions and the diversity of...

becoming a damning folly in this entire experiment. According to the Good Angel, there is a statement which alleges that any temptation is what leads to the element of damnation, an equivalent of hell. These same allegations are proofed by Faustus when he goes ahead to risk damnation. The play by Christopher Marlowe illustrates the character of Faustus as a romantic rebel and at the same time, an example of ‘damning folly.’ The element of a romantic rebel is explained by Faustus attempts to cut his arm and signing his name on blood to signify his allegiance to the devil. However, there is more of damning fully illustrated by Faustus than the depiction of a romantic rebel. Additionally, the...