Average Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

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average degree, it is sought that the student seek and identify their qualities, as well as that of others as the level progresses other objectives are sought such as the student assuming Responsibilities on it and be aware of their duties, without a doubt it is essential in personal development, as well as the social of all people. Socio -emotional education is presented in different fields, but in learning it is where students' values, attitudes and skills are acquired allowing achievements in their learning more successfully. An example of the skills that develop during this type of learning are emotions, fundamentally these are determined as phenomena of multicausal origin which manifest...

average Spanish that became the current Spanish. Why are there several official languages ​​in Spain? Spain is a multilingual state, this due to the influences of several languages ​​throughout history, some predominated more in one region than others. This these modern languages ​​is Catalan, Basque, Galician and Portuguese. All these languages ​​have some relationship with Spanish in less or more measure, except the Basque. The Basque: it is a spoken language in northern Spain and in part of France, its origin is unknown although many say it has its origin in the Celtic languages ​​introduced by the Visigoths and some Germanic tribes. Catalan: Catalan is a Romanesque...

average English, in which the NormanThose who used Anglonormando and AngloFrance, in addition, influenced Latin and Celts. Since then, modern English emerged and was standardized as a dialect of London, and with the support of the invention of the printing press and the growing generalized communication technology (on paper and then, through radio) it led to an elongation and adjustmentof the sounds of the vowels and a standardization of the spoken language. It is possible to affirm that the English language extended to other colonies thanks to the romance established by the king of England Enrique VIII with Ana Bolena, because she demanded to be his wife to consummate the relationship, but because...

average intellectual coefficient was 119 and with a force of 349 men and 30 officers. The company 244 of signal operations, which had recently changed its usefulness in a remarkable way to become used as a tool against radio espionage, its strength was 285 men and 11 officers. Company A of the 293th Battalion of Combat Engineers, which had been selected from a battalion activated the year prior to its recruitment and changed its name to 406th Special Company Combatization Company. It had highly trained and disciplined combat engineers essential to provide security to the other troops, and which was formed by a total of 5 officers and 163 enlisted. The 3132th signal service company, which was the...