Autonomy Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

autonomy and a right that must be exercised (regulations on school organizations, 2012). However, in several cases the breach of participation within the classroom, since some teachers impose their ideas on students, are still visualized. According to Swissines-Rada & Ceballos-López (2012), educators make decisions that exclude the opinions of infants, to which child participation is seen as a little symbolic act, because the provisions are taken by adults, leaving aside theLittle needs. On the other hand, in the classroom there is also a confusing legislation implemented by teachers, since the right is mixed with the obligation to participate in educational establishments which minimizes the...

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Autonomy in the learning process More coverage Disadvantages Concentration problems Validate the titles or levels obtained Impact of Covid-19 Pandemia on education After the mandatory isolation measure decreed by the National Government, schools, colleges and universities were accepted to television throughout the country The coronavirus pandemia took the world by surprise. Countries had to close educational systems, given the need for confinement and physical distance between people. Unesco's proposal was to move the school to home until schools are reopened, resorting to virtual education (online), with teachers as distance mediators and with the face -to -face help of...

autonomy and provides just information in time. Another advantages is that it implies a more active role by the student in the search for the information you need to perform some class activity and pound the teacher of certain questions because the student can consult it on the Internet and have an answerclear and concise of any doubt that it has. In addition, the advantages of using these media, supported on the Internet, can be summarized in the speed with which you have true information, favors group interaction, collaborative and interactive with students with each other. López Méndez (2009) points out that students can acquire a series of capacities using these technological tools, such as...

autonomy. They deduce that he discovers that it is not as different as what he had lived, only that he was finally free and was not tied to what others wanted him to see;Like the mass media, found in his diary to live. My chains are loose. (…) The prison door is open. I can leave at any time just to start. (...) Only my desire to stay here keeps me a prisoner. I want (...) Finally walk towards sunlight. (Plato, 380 A.c) In conclusion, the media are not bad, they must only learn to understand them, because these are not telling us lies. The film director says: “The media do not give you false information, they only control the true. Then, they are not lying, they only tell what they want from...

autonomy of language produced by modifications in the nervous system is reached. The theatrical act is filled with enthusiasts with stimuli and its task is to separate from an Aristotelian dramaturgy that has a pre -established order. You start playing with the theater bases and little by little what was once a unit fragmented to explode in multiple interpretations. The post -dematic theater catapults an abyss and that abyss produces something new, something that could never be thought. There are no parameters. There are fragmented and open textual proposals, loaded with conflictive meanings, stimuli or devices, capable of generating emotions not before recognized. The destruction of the dramatic...

autonomy, collaboration, teamwork and among others moreWithin this circle of learning. It raises the motivation and interest that has improved and favored both students and teachers mentioned above, to achieve a better educational collaboration, since with this method of learning from home, any student may arise any doubt and their intention is thatSolve in a brevity possible and to consult your teacher anywhere and at any time thanks to the communication that can be handled through technologies, for this the Internet in a cooperative tool and now it is throughout the world, being aUnlimited source expanding great knowledge in the world, learning from the knowledge of other people from any culture...