Artist Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

artists are persecuted, also the Bauhaus School of Arts, it was closed. Another scenario in which the artist develops from which we are going to deepen the essay is Argentina;The photograph there took shape due to contributions made by experts on the subject that arrived in the territory in the second half of the 19th century. (Incorvia, 2012). At the beginning of the 20th century there was a change in the political sphere that generated dismissals and from it, there is an important change in visual arts because cinema, graphics and photography - collectively - transmit the dissemination of the dissemination ofcustoms, day to day and social inequalities in 1920 the avant -garde stimulate the talk of...

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artist. With her work she expresses her feelings. In her community there is an art organization called.R.T.S. This organization is mainly for homeless children. The young woman was chosen to have her own art gallery. At the end of the gallery, all the pieces of art of her were sold. The money that was collected was used for school funds. Innocent is a young fighter. After having a different life than normal she never gave up. She wanted to have a better life. After her gallery she moved to a shelter that is only for young people. This shows that she wants to become independent. She used her money from her gallery for her school that shows that she intends to continue studying and be a professional...

artist put to do it. Its limbs are very well stylized, but they keep a disproportion with the trunk part. The head includes very clear and marked details of the eyes, ears and snout. These disproportion can be due to the lack of distance between the cave roof and the painter's point of view. This room completes one of the figures recognized as the oldest to be carried out: the ocher horse. It is located at one end of the roof of what we would call the vault. End of the Altamira Cave After the polychromes room there are some narrower ramifications turned into rooms that end in a place known as a horse tail. In these ramifications there are abundant signs and geometric figures well defined as cones,...

artistic trajectory of Wassily Kandinsky Introduction Abstract art is undoubtedly a form of artistic expression with a high degree of controversy, precisely because it is an art form that can be difficult to appreciate and understand for our lack of knowledge about it. In this work I will analyze the concept of abstraction in different aspects, I will make a brief tour of the origins and different stages of abstract art, I will comment on some painters who have influenced this art and deepen the artistic trajectory of Wassily Kandinsky, considered the father of abstraction. Art is a mode of expression that encompasses all creations made by the human being to express a sensitive vision of the...

artist possesses in his hands the message he wants to convey generating in itself the concept of beauty, in this context the teratological art studies abnormal creatures by keeping a certain relationship with the techniqueArtistic of Noah Serrano and many artists more than somehow create foreign bodies, leaving the aesthetic judgment to social observation. Deform beings, monsters, magnificent iconography compositions, all these options make. From Australia, Patricia Piccinini a sculptor who works almost the same technique and with a common theme such as aversion and attraction, soft textures and facial expression work a lot in her deformed creatures, coincidentally minimizes the visual impact that...

artist Francesco Solimena. In a sequence of the Aeneid of Virgil, Venus requests a shield and armor for his son Aeneas. Venus in the forge of Vulcano (1704) by the Italian artist Francesco Solimena. In a sequence of the Aeneid of Virgil, Venus requests a shield and armor for his son Aeneas.  Later, when Aeneas sailed from Carthage to Italy, Venus begged Neptune to cross the Mediterranean without danger. Neptune agreed with the argument that the unfortunate captain, Palinurus, would be sacrificed. Upon the arrival of Aeneas to Rome, Venus provided weapons and armor that had been created by Vulcano. These weapons were used in the next war against Latinos. In the Aeneas shield, Vulcan. C. (As...

artist, he was still a painter of the isolated heroic figure and with this work of the raft he managedacclaimed by the Academy and received a medal from this....

artistic sense, which was called graffiti, but also in dirtying the walls with signs, symbols, signatures and signatures andscribbles, with a clear non -artistic expression but vandalism. A wave of urban art enriches our cities. This fascinating creativity of urban graffiti combines styles of classical painting, realism, abstraction and surrealism, using the most street tools: roller and spray. Grafiti is a diverse, constructive and vandalic cultural movement at the same time. This has two faces, that of the sublime expression of academic canons and that of the apparent cultural resistance to the system. But urban art is not the same as vandalism. Vandalism is not art, it makes no sense, it has no...

artists of the second decade of the twentieth century was Fernando Best Pontones, who marked the pattern at the national level and sold his paintings to Mexican and foreign patrons. However, due to his admiration for Félix Díaz, the new generation condemned him to ostracism. José Vasconcelos and Diego Rivera promoted the renewal of post -revolutionary practice and education in the early years, in which visual arts played a preponderant role as Spanish culture and identity dissemination. In 1923 the mural ‘Creation’ of Diego Rivera was inaugurated at the Bolívar amphitheater of the National Preparatory School. Diego combined in that mural a figurative language with a cubist construction where...