Argentina Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

Argentina, Brazil, Brazil,Colombia, Guyana and Peru (OU, 1985; Pramesh et al. 2017;Martínez from the et al., 2014, Aguilar-Anccota et al., 2017, Chethana and Kumar, 2019). The disease causes important damage to the crop, having registered losses in yield of up to 22% in California, 75% in Arkansas (Webster and Gunnell, 1992) and 5 to 80% in India (Kumar et al. 2003). With regard to Argentina, there are no studies related to losses in performance, however, it presents 100% prevalence and incidence values that vary from 5 to 80% in the culture region (Gutiérrez et al. 2017). Studies carried out by different authors worldwide, affirm that the damages caused by this disease are variable depending on...

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Argentina which is very shocking compared to other contaminated sites in the country: the Argentine Matanza River, province of Buenos Aires. This river that crosses 14 municipalities along sixty kilometers is surrounded by highly chemical products factories. What is done with all these waste? They throw themselves into the river. This makes not only the Matanza river contaminated, but the pollution can reach the ocean. In addition, most of the 20.000 inhabitants of that region live in subhuman conditions due to the very high pollution and behavior of manufacturers. Clearly, this place is the most affected, but the country is not far behind. This article was made thanks to the work effort of a...

Argentina, Chile and Mexico, which were periphery countries rich in mining, agriculture and textiles. Not being industrialized, it was not possible to sell these goods in their territory. The lack of industry limited the client portfolio and made it impossible for its purchase. The economic model resulting from these efforts is the industrialization for import substitution (ISI). The way in which this model operated is based on favoring local trade;through industrialization and intervention of the State. The latter, through economic stimuli, complied with supporting the development of industrialization in Latin American territory. To complement the above, there was also intervention by other...

Argentina Currently, Argentina is a victim again of an economic crisis: President Macri failed in his attempt to stop inflation. Likewise, prices have historically fired and their interest rates are the highest in the world. In this article, it is intended to analyze the impact that this economic event has had on the territory. Then describe the measures taken by the population. Finally, a conclusion will be developed on the situation in Argentina today. Socio -economic rates and indicators (EPH) - Labor Market. Unemployment unemployment rate or rate is understood as the part of the Argentine population that, being in age, conditions and willingness to work (active population) does not have a job....

Argentina, the federal states of Mexico City, Coahuila, Michoacán, Campeche, Colima, and Morelos, in Mexico and Uruguay, have shown that egalitarian adoption is possible to conceive it without religious presumption; What does not come out of the constitutional rights of citizens. As the main arguments in favor, in the first place, the recognition of human, sexual diversity, to relate; This is ratified by the Supreme Court of Colombia, granting the principle of equality as a regulatory guideline. It also allows the increase in adoption possibilities for a significant number of children in family abandonment. Finally, the sexual orientation of parents does not affect children, which has been...

Argentina where they gave a military coup to avoid the dominance of democracy, where later to stop him he received help from the Ecuadorian State led by Roldos. Here the causes that cause this blow to democracy and human rights are neoliberalism and dictatorship. Neoliberalism seeks laws to implement them in a state and create benefits for the bourgeois and at the same time are directly or indirectly cause negative effects to citizens most prone to blows in their rights and freedoms, bone to the most humble or socioeconomic situationvery low. Now the dictatorship is that government led by a person who has no limitations, where he seeks to exercise their total power before citizens, exercise policies...

Argentina, to remove María Estela Martínez de Perón and the...

Argentina checked through an experiment conducted in two groups of rats, which by subject to strong noise can be affected the memory and learning mechanisms, the first group was subjected to two hours of exposure and the other group Two weeks, rats suffered cell damage in the brain, these effects were given at the hippocampus level, a region associated with memory and learning processes. The researcher Guelman explained that 'this suggests that the same could happen in humans in the development stage, although it will be difficult to verify because we cannot expose children to this type of experiments', considering that the nervous system of the rats is similar to humans. The World Health...

Argentina that ensures that the codes of ethics in this area are met, also regulate the activities and the relationship between all parts of this. The Conflict Ethics Committee that is responsible for carrying out this task. They receive proposals, complaints or orders related to ethical or conflict arbitration issues and they themselves are responsible for carrying out an investigation to reach the bottom of the issues presented, always having as reference point the Code of Ethics ICC/ESOMAR. Saimo (2013) UNE ISO 20252 is a certification that was developed jointly with the National Association of Market Research Companies and Public Opinion in order to guarantee users who demand a market...