Architecture Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

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architecture, painting, sculpture, Philology, History .. Apart from this magnificent visual experience, crossing the doors of the museum that is next to the staircase we immerse ourselves in a trip through time. When we enter the first rooms we discover the history of the National Library (former Public Library Network). In turn, various audiovisual resources explain the library aspects. The writing room and supports are curious, in which we can find from a “bic” ball to supports such as scrolls or papyri. We continue touring the corridors of the museum and discover the minimum room. This shows us the history of knowledge and its dissemination: facsimiles, incunable, codices. But what is most...

architecture, during the Tokugawa period the wood was the favorite material due to the ease of obtaining in the area and the philosophy of being in union with nature. This form of construction left cities at the mercy of fire on numerous occasions as a great Tokyo fire in 1657 where 70% of the city burned. And where more than 100 died.000 people. This fact served to restructure the plan of the city by accommodating it to the times with wider avenues and streets. During this period, great strengths and royal palaces were also built with large stone walls. One of the best examples of this type of constructions is Nagoya Castle built between 1610 and 1612.  Kanō Tan’yū was one of the most...

architecture, along with its culture and gastronomy. This space has gardens, games, a train and a roller coaster. Additionally, there is the "mysterious mansion", a dark place in which the visitor must face the ghosts of the place. conclusion Everland also has an area called "Magic Land". There is a village with the characters of the fables of Aesop. In this theme park the “Tulipan Festival” is celebrated, which takes place in March and April of each year. In this festival the color and variety of spring stand out, through special shows such as parades, theater and musical among...

architecture and decoration. The law of prestige forced to multiply the number of those works that were destined to impress citizens. Old cities were still driving Gothic works, in search of public glory. Social life in cities was increasing. Currently, the Renaissance Italy is considered underdeveloped, since much of the population was dedicated to work in the field, the illiterates were very numerous and their main sources of energy were organic. Regarding culture, one of the most characteristic features of this was the balance and harmony that occurred when carrying out an idealization of reality. The man is no longer dedicated to weapons and war, but there is a development of his knowledge about...