Anemia Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

anemia brings. Why is the problem important? Hunger is defined as a state in which there is a need and lack of food and this affects many groups of society. The immediate consequence of this state is a physiological disease or state called malnutrition, which is nothing more than the lack of vital nutrients the organism of the human being. Developing Technically hunger consists of not having the ability to meet the nutritional needs of the body;Therefore, as a problem, it reflects an extensive network of food complexities that many people have in the world due to lack of resources. Worldwide, malnutrition is one of the main responsible for children's deaths in the world. Hunger then has seen a...

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anemia picture and these procedures are worsened. Therefore a balance and good diet during and after treatment is a key piece for successful recovery, therefore it is very important not to neglect this. Nutrition is a keyword and a method for every disease to be fought, they must join forces together with their relatives to encourage such, their organisms will emit a favorable response, do not leave their relatives alone in these hard times, they must also think aboutThe psychological and emotional. It is there where they present a state of happiness and encouragement will want to perform everything normally, so psychological help is also recommended to patients so that they do not have a low self -...

anemia and malnutrition in children  Introduction The objective of this study is to establish the relationship between ferropenic anemia and malnutrition in children from 3 to 6 years, these diseases are considered the most prevalent in the world (Oliveira & Leitão, 2016). Ferropenic anemia, caused by more common iron deficiency in children (Guzmán Llanos, Guzmán Zamudio, & Llanos de los Reyes García, 2016). It is considered the main causal factor of child chronic malnutrition that affects cognitive development in early childhood. Malnutrition and anemia in children under 5 have been recognized as important public health complications and present serious effects on the morbidity and...

anemia, contagion hepatitis B and C, HIV/AIDS contagion, retarding girls with girls with nutritional deficit, abscesses, ulcers, scarifications, delay in wound healing. Being its long -term consequences urinary infections (painful urination, urinary tract infections), vaginal problems (leukorrhea, pruritus, bacterial vaginosis and other infections), menstrual problems (painful menstruations, difficult transit of menstrual blood), tissue and keloid scar, sexual problems (painful intercourse, less satisfaction) greater risk of childbirth complications (difficult delivery, bleeding, caesarean section, need for baby resuscitation) and neonatal mortality, need for new surgical interventions, for example...

anemia, neoplasms, diabetes, liver cirrhosis or caries (Contreras H.J. 2005). The nutritional status of an individual can be defined as the difference between the nutrition. Likewise, the evaluation of the nutritional status of an individual, allows to know the degree to which the food covers the needs of the organism, the situations of deficiency or excess (Marrodán, Mª D. et al. 2008). A constant alteration between excessive consumption and energy expenditure facilitates abnormal or excessive accumulation of energy, which is stored as fat in adipose tissue (there is an increase in body mass, especially fat mass and this is distributed abnormally),This fact results from the influence of...

anemia, dehydration, hair loss, absence in the appearance of secondary sexual characters, brittle nails, stomach problems, weight fluctuations, heart problems and even neuronal problems and self-giving. Despite all the serious consequences that these health conditions have, the person does not care, he endures everything in order to achieve his goal that is to have a perfect body. This is why those who generally develop these diseases are usually very perfectionists, intellectually outstanding, strongly or focused on success, but who hide behind these qualities a low self - esteem, fear of rejection, failure and in general,unsafety. All this can gradually lead to other psychological and psychiatric...

anemia. (UCSF, 2012) Type 2 diabetes pathophysiology Morbid obesity is associated with the development of different diseases, including diabetes and hypertension. (Sanamé, 2016) Obesity is a consequence of the continuous and deregulated intake of food rich in energy content that is not used as a consequence of a low metabolic activity and/or sedentary lifestyle, therefore, it is stored and accumulated in fatty tissue. During this situation, the pancreas has hyperactivity due to the high and constant blood glucose concentration, with a high insulin secretion to preserve blood glucose at normal levels. The causes that trigger type 2 diabetes are unknown in 70-85% of patients;Apparently, various...