Analysis of The Representation of Women in Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

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women in society Throughout history, the role that women play in the different communicative contexts has been guided by stereotypes that have a patriarchal and macho start. From ancient times the man was considered a superior being who had the mission of bringing food home and supporting the family, while the woman assumed a role of mother and housewife. At present, as indicated by Castillo 2012 cited by Gómez Ramirez. Traditionally, the position of the woman represented in the different mass media, has been the manipulation of the female image imposed by a patriarchal culture that puts a series of prejudices in the social imaginary with a traditional conception of this, leaving sequelae of...

women is presented with contrasting concepts that range from contempt to worship. Since the principles of the Middle Ages, the most predominant thought was the inferiority of women in front of the man, since his sex was considered weak, according to Eileen Power (1975), they were also considered that they were inferior beings, of less intelligence orEven less capable (Hipatia, 2019). These ideas were driven by clergy and castes with economic powers that saw women as an object of decorum, being subordinated to the interest of the earth. These classes will establish a legal framework for women, and will give a certain concept to marriage, since they will allow the woman next to the man. The concept of...

women and men. However, in relation to the effective. Gender violence, wage discrimination, the greatest female unemployment, the still low presence of women in positions of political, social, cultural and economic responsibility, or the problems of conciliation between personal, work and family life show how equalityfull, effective, between women and men. conclusion It is still a pending task that requires new legal instruments. That is why in Spain positive discrimination measures have been taken to favor certain groups, that is, measures that involve developing public policies that, without harming other groups, favor certain social groups. Above all, they have focused on people with...

women in American comics (1900-1950). Trocadero, (19), 123-134.  Ruiz, m. G. (2018). The Second World War. Enclosion of propaganda comic. Bie3: IEEE Bulletin, (10), 1021-1050orna, C. (2018). Analysis of American cultural hegemony through cultural products. Case of the comic "Captain America". Pontifical Catholic University of...

women in all spheres of a society, theBoom of Latin American novelistics, in the plastic arts, in Unisex fashion, in music where Bob Dylan and The Beatles stood out. Events that constitute ruptures of the old ways of operating in a society, some coincide over time, others are strengthened under the mantle of the Cuban revolution and some break the geographical walls. In Cuba, an aesthetic was created that proliferated in the world of the 60s, the use of firearms, progress in racial conceptions, the transformation of the family institution, the passage of an elitist culture to a popular culture, themedia at the service of premature revolution. The 1968 World Cultural Revolution Fernand Braudel...

women and campaigned for an 'equal right' to abolish theDifference in the ability to vote by gender and instead of 'universal suffrage', which represented the abolition of discrimination mainly for race, since universal suffrage was considered too revolutionary. Female suffrage and universal suffrage are similar because they try to suppress a group. In this case there are two groups, women and black people. It is also important to mention the Voting Rights Law of 1965, since it is a historical law within the Law of the United States that prohibits discriminatory voting practices for African Americans in the United States. As of the 1930s, anti -slavery groups with a liberal ideology were formed and...

women, the situation is very different;since her orientation indicates inwards, showing himself folded to the home. Also in a similar theme, Velázquez will paint many paintings, in this work an example will be mentioned, and it will be old frying eggs (1618) in which, according to Manuel Pérez Lozano (s/f) “… there is nothing more than a gender scene, theCulinary activity of an ordinary house. (…) We are facing a portrait made in his family environment, as soon as Mrs. María in her current tasks." The woman looks up with a lost expression in infinity reflects a visual reflection on the senses of touch and sight as instruments of knowledge of reality;That is, the old woman, almost...