Analysis of The Representation of Women in Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

women. However, gender violence is defined as a form of specific and particular violence against women, by their own condition of being a woman. Gender violence can be given in many ways that range from discrimination and contempt to physical or psychological aggression and murder. Developing The origin of gender violence arises due to the subordination that women have suffered throughout history, since since the first centuries the woman has had roles related to the scope of the home and dependent on the man. At the beginning of history, in places like Rome, Greece or Sparta women were considered a mere thing. Later, from the fourth century DC, it is expressed in the Qur'an how men have authority...

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women have had towards gender equity Currently, one of the issues that is giving much to talk about, is gender equity and the controversy it generates in society. We know that this has come back, but it was hidden under the carpet for decades and covered with the mantle of the religion and culture of each country. Many women should postpone the desire to be a mother to prioritize the study and work in order to achieve economic stability leaving and then their own dream of forming a family thinking that a child could interrupt the quality of efficacy with which you work. While it is true, motherhood is a blessing for the couple, many times responsibility only falls to the woman who is subject to the...

women in the organization and participation in the protests organized in this district. Many of the changes that occur in the neighborhood in the following years appear in the improvement proposals raised by the association in its beginnings, such as the withdrawal of the military road passage, the improvement of the neighborhood transport networkand the creation of areas 28 The neighborhood movement as a form of participation Citizen: San Nicasio (1950-1980) Bello Cedillo, Laura green. Its main merit, they maintain from the association, is to promote these changes to accelerate over time through institutional pressure. The Neighborhood Association is not an entity too politicized. Unlike other...

women's rights We consider that one of the most important current problems that directly affect us in our status as women is the submission of our body and decisions before institutions such as the Church, the State, the Society, and the patriarchy. In spite of the advances that have been achieved with the feminist struggle, the fact of existing in a country with strongly religious and conservative traditions has generated that the differences of the bodies be visible and reproduced, which leads to different valuations of these. From this, we consider that abortion is the current practice that most allows to see these differentiations of the bodies, since from its debate it is possible to observe...

Women In 2018, 150 femicides were registered at the national level according to the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI). Feminicide, according to the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) is the murder of a woman at the hands of a man for machismo or misogyny;However, although this is the final stage of a series of acts of violence against women who suffer day by day, violence against women is understood not only these physical aggressions but also to psychological and symbolic aggressions. These aggressions are backed by a society that naturalizes sexist and hierarchy behaviors, which are represented, among others, in the media. The media, as are the newspapers, when consumed by a large...

women to describe and explain better how they felt, although in today's society they continue to produce situations similar to those who lived these women,It has not been so complicated.          conclusion Once this work I have understood that historical events are those deciding on historians who are, and as until very recently, historians were only men, what women did was not considered history. Fortunately, since the 70s this situation is changing because there are more and more women who dedicate themselves to the historian's trade and that the perspective of men is changing, thanks, in large part, to the feminist...

Women's Section1, which encouraged many women to unite to replicate the official positions. A platform for women's organizations was formed in Madrid, which organized the first days for the liberation of women -listed in December 1975 -, where a program of complaints and claims was presented, among which the decriminalization of the female adultery of the female adultery., the legalization of divorce and contraceptives, labor and salary equalization, etc. Several ideological trends were also glimpsed, depending on where the cause of female oppression was located: for radical feminists the cause was the patriarchal system and for socialist feminists the deceased was the capitalist system. In 1976,...

women, although with some restrictions because it was only allowed for those women who were not conditioned by their partner;However, that was not enough and in the electoral reform, the Congress of Deputies managed to have three women who managed to ascend to power, including Clara Campoamor and Victoria Kent. “I cannot judge the Spanish woman for these workers who leave their job daily to sustain, with her husband, her home. If Spanish women were released in their conscience, I would get up today in front of the entire camera to ask for the female vote.”Thus expressed Victoria Kent his thoughts before the courts about the female vote, because he felt that women were truly conditioned by men...