Analogy Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

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analogy, but there is also talk of mimesis when there is a resemblance or similarity with its original. From Aristotle, the imitation of nature is thus called as an essential purpose of art. In Diegesis the work of art does not represent anything of reality, but is what exists with its own grammar only for the author. It is what expresses directly, freely and creatively, his fantasies and dreams in contrast to mimesis. For Konrad Fiedlerel, art was no longer conceived as an object of aesthetic pleasure if not as a language at the service of knowledge. An art different from the conceptions of pleasure. Prior to impressionism, the artistic framework was dominated by eclecticism, which responded to...

analogy in malam partem? Are these same reasons valid to deny the possibility of analogy in bonam partem? The analogy consists in applying a norm extracted from the law or of the legal system as a whole to a case not regulated by law, but that is similar to another that is regulated. Its purpose is to solve legal lagoons and in our criminal law it is strictly prohibited (principle of legality), this is established by the art. 4.1. of the CP. In the case of analogy, a partem (analogy contrary to the inmate) the reasons for the prohibition of this. It is that in order for a behavior to be punished for a norm in which this is produced, and that it says that this behavior is prohibited. In the case of...

analogy. Deduction and induction;Deduction goes from general knowledge to a particular one and induction goes from particular to the general indicating that it goes from the most concrete or detailed towards something universal. The abduction described by Peirce as a retruction, referring to "reasons back";In relation to the scientific method, according to Peirce, the first step of the scientific reasoner or also called "original argument", since it is the only type of argument with which a new idea arises, since it pursues a theory;Appointed with different ways, abduction is "plausible conjecture", "reduction", "incomplete syllogism" or simply...

analogy, which means that there is a chemical similarity of the drug taken with the drug, as is the case of: efedrines in drugs that are used to decongest, the antacid such as ranitidine with amphetamines. The second cause has to do with the metabolization of the drug that produces an intermediary, which can be recognized by the anti -drug antibody and react with the drug. Another cause of interference can be given by affectation of the antigen-antibody reaction due to the drug. Interference detection There are several causes that can modify or alter the result of analytical samples. The knowledge of these causes is very important, thus the results can be interpreted correctly and a successful...

analogy in terms of consciousness. It can be said that consciousness is the key or tool with which all scientists work. The fact that scientists correctly or not use the tool today is a problem for philosophy, therefore for psychology is irrelevant. Therefore, by eliminating situations of consciousness, it causes the suppression that exists among psychology the other sciences. According to Watson's point of view, he considers behaviorism rather as a philosophy of science; And he also comes to consider the possibility that psychology is a science with its methods and objectives. In relation to structuralism and phenomenology, at the time of the end of the XLX century and early twentie. In order to...