An Analysis of Common Sense Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

sense that is a nurse. The uniform can be part of the social construct of nurses, since society has assigned that recognition or characteristic. The cofia is white and has a symbol of honor, and authority is used as a means of hair protection and preventing it from falling into the nurse's work area, however, it also has a great social and work impact, sinceIn the cofia small tapes are placed according to him academic degree that you have and thus be able to distinguish yourself from the rest, the cofa brings identity and belonged.  The lamp has the meaning of clarity and light in knowledge and acting as to the care provided to the user, this symbol took importance thanks to Florence Nightingale,...

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sense, of the hyperglobalized of this world, we suffer a loneliness for being the true authors and grandchildren of violence lived in Colombia, in different degrees, Jean Francois Lyotard says that the great stories are falling, The proceeding, the Bible called the Political Constitution of Colombia, the State is helping us to meet, with something called Colombia, which makes everything unite in that reason and cause, with something very common among all maintain and sustain the lasting peace with Something that is not very firm such as the peace process, and the uncertainty that Colombian society and combatants live to reintegrate them to society and civil life, in the postmodern era the wars...

sense, to make decisions, to use, to use his own understanding to grow, to progress, to be happy and of course share it collectively. Modern Age is considered an era of entrenchedness of the ideals of progress, communication and reason, which will later be considered as the values of modernity and that will be more or less valid until today. The Modern Age understood different movements, but among its main ones were: the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. Renaissance. Cultural movement that arises in Europe the fourteenth century and which shows as an essential characteristic its admiration for Greco -Roman antiquity. This enthusiasm, which considers classical cultures such as the supreme...

sense or reason is the best distributed in the world. This is a popular phrase. But it also says that it is not enough to have a healthy mind, that is, to be endowed with reason: you have to apply it well. And he says it with a laugh. Show such quality is the minimum to be a man and not an animal. Recognize in itself the same reason in anyone. But this device, without knowing how to use it, does not lead to knowledge superior to the average. Descartes announces the development of a method that allows you to gradually increase your knowledge, to rise even from its particular training factors. To the readers you expect to have, they tell them that they should not follow their method. What he offers is...

sense, in the face of injustice and corruption, in this case of the Church must appear. Luther is the one who offers Luz, and returns to the origin or root of Catholicism, alleging correctly in my opinion, the non -interpretation at will of everything that was not written in the Holy Scriptures, since the Bible is inspired by God, which, whichIt is then the only source of authority. Bibliography used Castellano, Danilo, Martin Luther: The song of the Gallo de la Modernidad, Editorial Marcial Pons Legal and Social Editions, S.A., 2016. Boff, Leonardo, Luther between reform and liberation, in Latin American Journal of Theology, no. January 1,...

analysis of the size of the veins and arteries, and since these ‘branches’ decrease in each division as they move away from the heart, as with the rivers and streams. He devised making wax molds from the ventricles of the brain, discovered how blood runs through the whole body, carrying food and removing waste.  Through autopsia he managed to demonstrate that the heart has four compartments divided by valves and membranes, also estimating that they should have different functions that justified these separations ‘Leonardo's greatest achievement in his heart studies and, in fact, in all his anatomical works. It was his discovery of the way in which the aortic valve works, a triumph that was...