American Education System Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

system is divided into: preschool, primary education, secondary education, pre -university studies and finally university students. As for its Singapore language, it has 4 official languages which are: the Mandarin Chinese, which speaks it 34.9% of the population;The Malay, spoken by a 10.7% of the population being the only national language of Singapore;The tamil, which is the least common. conclusion This is just spoken by a 3.3% of the inhabitants and;English, which forms 36.9% of people living in Singapore, although the latter is the most used throughout the country because it is the language of business and, is the one that unites all ethnic groups. The majority of the population of Singapore...

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system. The differences in the results of the PISA tests in populations with different socio -economic conditions demonstrate this. The foregoing added to abysmal differences in the results of the state tests Saber 11 (examination that measures the knowledge and competences of students of the last degree of secondary education) among students in urban areas and rural areas;and students of high socioeconomic levels and low socioeconomic levels (Barrera F. et al., 2012). Which shows that the social and cultural conditions in which children develop directly affect their training process. To improve educational quality, and reduce social inequality among the different populations that participate in the...

system. The evolution of quality not only applies to transformation within universities, it also points to society, the productive matrix and the change or development of the country providing an equal and fair society. With the passing of the years and the evolution that society has suffered in terms of quality, universities have undergone several changes having to adapt to the established requirements. There are several institutions that, when not being current with the evolution, were closed, that shows that quality has an important role within society and you always have to look for new ways to satisfy it. A great positive and negative impact has been generated when applying quality terms in...

system has developed in recent years. According to Willms (2006) “Vulnerable groups are made up of children with low school performance, migrant day laborers, in street situations, who have not benefited from public education. Students who come from these groups and teachers who work in these contexts will be subject to mandatory and periodic evaluation processes, as mentioned by the new educational legislation ”. What is the lag?   As author Suarez (2001) points out;The problem of educational lag has two phases: the production of the phenomenon and its accumulation. This defines two problems the absence of school and abandonment, which obey a multiple coincidence that in circumstances...

system to guarantee the person's person education without discrimination and universalization of this right from the initial level to the upper level. Thus, the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador, in article 26, section fifth, establishes: Education is a right of people throughout their lives and an unavoidable and inexcusable duty of the State. It constitutes a priority area of ​​public policy and state investment, guarantee of social equality and inclusion and indispensable condition for the good living. People. Families and society have the right and responsibility to participate in the educational process. Likewise, the Art.27 of the Constitution mentions that education focuses on the...