ACT Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

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actices, so it is important to apply the scientific research method to understand the historical context, the particularities of popular knowledge subjected to study and understand integrationof this in society. Pseudosciences are characterized, from the perspective of science, by having an anti -scientific essence. Popular knowledge, such as spiritualism, have become important masses of popular knowledge in different regions of the world, and these are distinguished only by the constant traditional practice that develops in biological or symbolic family circles, and the characteristics that differentiate themof other beliefs, such as the importance of the human physicist, the mental and...

act as insecticides, causing effect on the intestinal cells of some insects;Similarly corn and soybean were modified to be genetically resistant to glyphosate herbicide released by the Monsanto company. Comparison between natural and transgenic tomato Likewise, papaya was inserted a gene that makes it more resistant to annular stain virus, transmitted by species of aphids, insects, which are found in all areas where papaya are grown. In Latin America, Brazil is the country with the largest area sown with transgenic crops, followed by Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Honduras and Costa Rica. Risks in the establishment of transgenic crops Introducing transgenic crops in...

act concepts about life and philosophy in a didactic way, making comparisons with people's daily experiences, which makes them easily understandable. The movie The World of Sofia is a work that leads people to philosophical questioning. Throughout this film, the story of a teenager close to 15 years named Sofia is told, which begins to receive letters that contain questions such as: Who are you? Where does the world come from? These questions question their knowledge about itself and the world that surrounds it. Sofia makes a small trip in time guided by a tutor, during this way she begins to feel little by little the love for knowledge and the search for truth. Plato raises the myth of cave as an...

actly if everything written by Plato were true words of Socrates ... unknown to last forever. The art of talking was not like a common school or university teacher, he had a peculiar way of doing things, he did not teach, on the contrary, he only talked by pretending and giving the impression that he learned from the knowledge of the person with whom he spoke his "Technique" was based on the fact that he only asked questions pretending that he knew nothing, in the course of the conversation he got the person to doubt their own knowledge and see what is good and what is bad. Him's main mission was. He also said 'all people are able to understand philosophical truths when they use their...