ACT Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

act of predominance and popularity, motivating young people to create tobacco addiction or submit to it. Most young people are aware that tobacco consumption is one of the greatest causes of death;However, this does not make them stop consuming it. Try tobacco just once puts one addicted to nicotine. The majority of the people who make it the acquisition of tobacco at an early age do so just to feel in "wave" with adults;It is an issue that harms adolescents who smoke cigarette in their health because it contains the nicotine, knowing that the consumption of it not only causes harm to the person who smokes it, but also those who are around them beingThus exposed to that air contaminated by...

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actors, structural violence emphasizes victims and cultural violence, meanwhile, emphasizes civil society and is the most dangerous, since it changes the moral color of acts and determines what whatIt is normal or abnormal in our society. Developing Faced with this particular violence, the need arises to find an alternative that, instead of justifying and legitimizing violence, justifying and legitimizing peace (understanding peace as an unfinished process, always in development, which indicates the north: the imperfect peacewhich Francisco Muñoz refers to the idea of utopian peace). To do this, it is essential to build and encourage speeches that promote positive peace, that which seeks not only...

act characterized by the defense of rights and ideals through thePassive resistance, dialogue, debate, overcoming injustices and the elimination of any type of discrimination. Peace refers to the state of balance, tranquility and stability within a society and more than a slogan or overcoming a century of political violence in the country is a daily construction process that demands the tenacious and continuous effort of all actorsThrough the recognition of people, the eradication of violence in our lives and the absence of injustices against people. In turn, peace consolidation requires a set of actions designed for the prevention of violent conflicts and the implementation of political, social and...

act that confidence that had once had been totally lost. As this trust takes more strong solidity it will be the family nucleus. Each participant must make sure they do not lose confidence with any of the members of their nucleus. From this passing can break the family nucleus;We can also see the different ways of being able to harm and lose confidence simply for not making good decisions. So that there are full confidence within a family nucleus, the truth has to always be present in order to have good communication. Which leads you to reap good trust with your family. It should be noted, not all families are equal some have more confidence than others. According to the Belén Foundation (2019)...

acting on the school and social fields. According to Nathaniel Branden, a pioneer in studies on self - esteem, cited by Juan Fernando Gómez Ramírez, in the book "The healthy child", compares to self - esteem with the immune system of human consciousness, providing it with resistance, strength and regeneration capacity , because if any negative aspect affects the individual, self - esteem is therefore low his strength against the difficulties presented. Starting from this premise, the development of self - esteem in infants has more relevance because the higher it is, the greater the ability to face the problems since they are not perceived as a threat. It is then imperative to promote...

actors, such as the geographical and temporary location that are addressed. On this occasion, the concept of peace in the culture of Mesopotamia will be explained, known as the first civilization, which covered the territory between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers from prehistory to the fall of the last of its empires. In the culture of Mesopotamia the gods were the ones who dictated laws to men, therefore, they were sacred. In this case, Samash, the God of Justice, delivered the laws to King Hammurabi of Babylon who intended to establish applicable laws in all cases to prevent his own justice from being taken, because without written laws, it was easy to act as moreConvinance. These laws did not...