ACT Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

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act, based on knowledge construction techniques and training methods that will transform people into promoters of social change towards development. However, the next point tells us about the education for development conceived as a strategic dimension of cooperation, defined as an educational process (formal, non -formal and informal) constant, aimed at promoting global citizenship, through knowledge, attitudes and attitudes and values ​​capable of generating a culture of solidarity committed in the fight against poverty and exclusion, as well as with the promotion of human and sustainable development. According to the definition in the Education Dictionary for the Development of Gema Celorio...

acteristics that we should all know to have good communication with our partner and how to avoid or misunderstand their words or actions that can lead us to a discussion with it. Likewise, it leads us to better know what he likes or dislikes. The importance of expressing yourself, giving views and criticisms, and as you should do it, as well as how to know how to listen, act and have tolerance with the other person so as not to hurt them. The couple is one of the central aspects of the life of a human being. Once the human being reaches the world, communication is the most important factor that determines the type of relationships it will have with the closest people, to later implement it in other...

activity that takes place and the role that the child plays. The dramatic game is a natural part in the life of most children before school or childhood education starts in the form of fantasy games. That allows them to make sense of their own identity by exploring important fictitious situations that have real -world structures to the real world. Theatrical activity must start in early childhood education, since the theater for them is a game, and the child at this stage must play to learn.How to define theater in the children's classroom?When we talk about theater in early childhood education we can refer to plays that children represent as actors. We can also be talking about the plays designed...

activity whose purpose is to collect, synthesize, hierarchize and publish information related to events of the present, of the past and/or the future, that is, it has as the main function to inform based on safe and verifiable sources;However, in Peru in recent years it has ceased to be journalism and has become a system of expression of opinions as well as a tool for use by our country's governments to influence public opinion, and sometimesEven to distort the truth. It is said that journalism is the fourth power of the State, but the manipulation of these media by political power makes it the fourth power of corruption. During the Fujimori government the press was sold to the political power to...

act of the health crisis by COVID-19 on the Spanish financial and economic system Introduction Federico Steinberg, Professor of the Department of Economic Analysis of the Autonomous University of Madrid and principal researcher of the Royal Institute Elcano, reference in one of his latest articles for this prestigious Spanish tank the explanation of Nicholas Taleb of what are the black swans: Very difficult events to anticipate and that has such a high impact that, when they happen, they force us to question any previous prediction exercise. Thus, the fall of the Berlin wall and the Soviet block in 1989, the 11-S attacks in 2001, the financial crisis of 2008 and the impact of the COVID-19 we face,...